• Getting to know him •

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April 11th, 1912
7:00 AM

Jack and I walk across the deck. It seems like we've been talking for hours, when it's only been 5 minutes. He never gets boring.

"So, Jack. What's this thing you've been carrying around?" I ask.

"Oh this?" Jack hands the sketchbook to me.

I look at his drawings. These are amazing. It was pictures of naked women. Though, they were so detailed it was like a real life picture.

"Jack! These are quite good. They really are."

"Well, they wouldn't think of 'em too much in Paree." he laughed.

"And these were drawn from life?" I asked.

"Yup. That's one of the great things about Paris. Lots of girls willing to take their clothes off."

I giggled, flipping through the pages of Jacks sketchbook.

"You like this woman. You've drawn her several times."

"Well you see, she had beautiful hands."

I'd smile. "You had a love affair with her."

Jack laughs. "Just with her hands."

"You have a gift Jack. You really do. You see people." I said, looking at Jack.

"I see you."

"And...?" I giggle.

He'd smile at me very slightly.

"The water looks beautiful today, doesn't it?" I exclaimed, handing Jacks sketchbook over to him.

"It is." Jack said.

I looked over the rail, watching the waves made from the ship.

"So, where are you from Jack?" I asked.

"Well, my hometown is Wisconsin. I travel to a lot of places though." Jack said.

"I wish I could be like you Jack, just head out to the horizon whenever I want." I'd look at him. "Say we'll go there sometime."

"Alright. We're going. We'll drink cheap beer and ride the rollercoaster until we throw up." He described to me. "We'll ride horses on the beach. You have to ride like a cowboy. None of that side saddle stuff."

"You mean one leg on each side?" I grinned. "Can you teach me?"

He smiled at me. "Sure, if you'd like"

"And teach me to spit too, like a man."

He laughs. His laugh is so warming. It makes you feel safe.

"Well, Jack. I best be on my way! My family is probably wondering whereabouts I am."

"Alright, Y/n. I'll see you later." Jack is just about to walk away.

"Wait! One more thing." I exclaimed. "Jack, would you like to join me and my family for dinner tonight?"

"Yes! I would love to." Jack smiled. "When should I be there?"

"I think around sunset."

"Sounds like a plan!"

"What do you plan on... um... wearing?" I asked, nervously."

Jack shrugged. "This, I guess?"

"Oh no. We'll find you a suit to wear. Surely my father has some that would fit you."

"Nono... that's fine. I could probably find something."

"No, Jack. It will be fine. My father has... what, 50?!"

He laughs. "Fine, if you insist."

"Come, lets get this figured out."

April 11th, 1912
10:00 AM

Jack has been trying to find a suit that would fit him. He finally finds one that fits.

"Ok, Jack. You take the suit. Be here by sunset. You got it?!"

"Yes, ma'am." Jack laughs.

Jack walks out of the room. Waving to me. I get all sorts of butterflies around my stomach.

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