Exiled ( Day 3)

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Dream joined the server

Also, Tommy named his new place logstedshire! Cool name, right ?!

" Oh! Dream is on! " Tommy jumped.

" Hey, Tommy. Can I talk with you? " Ghostbur tug Tommy's shirt.

" Oh, of course. What is it? "

" I don't believe that Dream guy. He might just want to manipulate you.. "

" Nah! He always come to visit me! I think he's ok! "

" Fine.. Then.. I'm going to get some resources.. Don't do anything silly! "

" Ok! Bye, Ghostbur! "

As Ghostbur left the house, Tommy go to his little tnret ( Tent XD ) .

" Well, I'm going to listen to this disc then.. " he hold a disc that BadBoyHalo gave him on the second day of his exile.

He turn the jukebox on, sitting at the sandy beach, with a sweet breezy air. Thinking about stuffs that he need to do.

' Huh, why did I even burned down George's house at the first place. But, I didn't mean it.. Why is this keep happening to me... '

A boy with a give a pats on his shoulder. It was Ranboo.

" Hey, how are you, Tommy? "

" Ranboo! How did you get here?! " Tommy jumped to Ranboo.

" Heh.. I got here, with a nether portal! Now, we still can talk! " and then Ranboo give him a book.

" Oh, what is this? " Tommy open the empty book.

" Consider this as the letter. Also, you know that we did the bad things together, but why Tubbo just exiled you? "

Tommy just stay silent.

" He says, because I'm selfish.. "

" Hey, you're NOT selfish. Look at me, Tommy.. " and Tommy look at Ranboo's eyes.

" In the court, you can just say it was me. There's evidence that thing was me. But you didn't do that, you stood up for me. You said it was only you. Tommy, you're not selfish. You can't be selfish.. "

" Ranboo.. Thanks.. " and Tommy hugs him " I needed that, man.. "

" Anytime man.. Also, I have some stuffs for you too. Take this as a gift! "
Ranboo hand over some tools for Tommy.

" Wow! Thanks Ranboo! I really appreciate it! "

" Tch! I need to get rid of him... " like always Dream still spying on them.

" Oh! I need to go now, Tommy! See you tomorrow? " Ranboo waving at Tommy.

" Of course, man! Talk to you soon! "

As just Ranboo left, Ghostbur arrived home.

" Tommy, I'm home! " Ghostbur calling Tommy.

" Oh! Welcome back ! "

" Hey, Tommy!! " Dream greet him.

" Oh, hey Dream! "

" Like always Tommy, give me all your stuff.. "

" .... Ok, Dream.. " and he become a little bit sad.

' I will make you lonely and make you suffer for your entire life... '

' Something is wrong with Dream, he really want to destroy Tommy's life. I need to warn Tommy about this, but he might won't listen to me.. '

" Oh! Let's go do something, Tommy! "

" Ok, Dream! "

' He's Tommy's enemy.. But he try to befriend him.. Clearly, he trying to manipulate him... '

" Ghostbur, are you coming? " Tommy scream to Ghostbur.

" Oh! Ok, coming! "

To be continue...

( 496 words)

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