Chapter 4

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Hey guys thanks for reading this far, it really means a lot to me :)

Sorry that I haven't been putting much of Zayn POV ,but there will defiantly be more in the future chapters :D



 I woke up the next morning completely forgetting that its Monday and that  I sadly needed to go to school. I rapidly put on my hideous school uniform , tie my hair up in a messy bun and decided to leave my face make-up free . I grabbed an  up and go and headed out the door to my dads car. He was staying home today so he gave me permission to take it.I finally arrived at school and parked my dads car in one of the parking spaces. I was only 15 minutes late. Not bad, I awkwardly walked into my silent classroom and handed my late slip to my maths teacher ,Ms,Myers,while getting death stares from the whole class, I sat down in my usual seat next to a jerk called Anthony and the leader of all jerks Peter.I joined the class by writing the equations off the board into my grafittied maths book. At last the bell rang for recess and everyone hurried off.

As I was walking down the corridor I see nearly the whole school looking down at their phones in shock whispering  horrible things."She's not good enough for him","Why would he date a loser like her". I realised what was going on and quickly ran towards the bathroom before anyone saw me and gave me deathstares. It was obviously nothing to be embarrassed about I just didn't want to hear everyone's comments and opinions. Just as I was halfway to the bathroom Paris grabs me ,red with anger.

"What are you doing hooking up with Zayn Malik!?"She said holding up her iPhone 5 in front of my face, with a photo of me and Zayn kissing in the park.

"Paris ,I have my own life and I can do whatever I want with it, so back off you Bitch"

She stood there mouth wide open. "What did you just say to me ?"

"You heard me" I have never stood up to Paris to this extent before and I was getting quite worried. Before I could do anything else ,I see Paris's fist rapidly moving towards my face. I squint and wait for it to happen. But it didn't. A handsome tall guy stops her fist 1cm from my face and shoves her to the ground. I stand there in shock with my mouth wide open. This is the first time in school history that someone has actually done anything like that to Paris. I have to say I was quite enjoying this whole situation. Me getting saved from a fist in my face, Paris getting shoved on the floor, it was  the life. As Paris runs off with her gang in the other direction, I walk up to the man.

"Hey im  Adrienne "I said shaking the guys hand "Are you new here?"

"Hey ,my names Chad and yeah I just started here today".

"Well I guess it has been a pretty ,well not normal day for you so far".

"Yeah I guess".

"Thankyou so much for what you did ,if there is any way to repay you..".

"Go to dinner with me?".

"Oh um sorry but I have  a boyfriend".

"Oh ,well that's ok cant we just go out as friends".

"Well here's the thing im dating someone ...famous and if I go to dinner with you the paparazzi will ,you know... "

"Your dating someone famous? Who?"

"Zayn Malik from One Direction"

"Wow well,  I understand,  I'll see you around" ,Chad said walking off with a hurt expression on his face. I feel bad, but I guess that's life.  

By now I had missed  recess. I hurried off to English and sat in a random seat ,as their was no allocated spots in this class. Of course the new guy Chad comes and sits right next to me.From the corner of my eye I could see him slightly smiling. The lesson began. We were assigned to write an exposition, on Carbon tax.For the whole lesson ,I could see Chad staring at me ,and when I would look back at him, he would quickly turn his head. Like common this stuff only happens in the movies.The lesson ended. As I was getting up out of my seat ,Chad approaches me.

"Just think about it ".He said walking off. What is the deal with this guy ,I told him no ,I told him I have a boyfriend, so why cant he just piss off. I know im being quite rude to someone who basically saved me, but this guy was already getting on my nerves.


At last school finishes and I literally run to my dads car hoping that no one will grab me again for the 4th time today. It took me 2 minutes to get to my house. I could of easily walked but I felt like driving for some reason. I get home and greet my dad with a kiss on the cheek. He was as usual ,sitting in front of the T.V eating chicken chips.

"Dad you really need to do something with your life, go to the gym, GET A JOB". I said.

"You think I haven't tried that already, no one wants me."

"Oh come on there are a million jobs in this country and your saying you cant find one, come on  its not that hard."

"Why don't you try finding a job yourself!"

I could see he wasn't in the best mood. "Fine I will cause, im not someone who uses the excuse of  I cant find a job so I can sit on my ass all day eating snacks! "I say storming up to my room. I admit that I was a little hard on him, I just wasn't in the best mood at the moment. I instantly ring up Zayn.

"Hello" He spoke.

"Hey babe".

"Hey, how are you".

"Not so good I had a really bad day today".

"Oh what happened?".

I told him the whole story, not telling him that Chad asked me out. We talked a bit more ,before saying our good byes and hanging up on each other. I dragged my feet to my desk and finished all my homework. I'm one of those people who  like to get things out of the way. I get a text. Its my dad, saying to come down for dinner. Why the hell would he text me to come down for dinner,he has never done this before. I know we had a fight and all, but we always have fights. I guess this one really got to him for some reason.

I go downstairs to see my dad eating dinner in front of the t.v.

"Are you kidding me?" I say to my dad. Never in his life has he done this before."Dad your making such a big deal out of the tiniest fight". He didn't talk."Ok im sorry for being so hard on you ,I just had a really bad day at school "I said waiting to hear his voice.

"It was about you and Zayn  wasn't it ?" He said without turning around.

"Well yeah pretty much, how did you now?"

"I told you this was going to happen, now go to the dinner table and eat."

Without any more questions I sit at my wooden  kitchen table and take a bite of my chicken breast. Once I had finished, I thanked my dad coldly for the dinner and headed up to my room. I jump on my bed, putting my laptop on my lap (Which I won at a school competition). I go on Twitter to check if the boys have tweeted anything. They have. I see Zayn has posted a photo of me and him on our date .Im fine with it.I see the comments below. Death threats, mean comments.Ouch.I close my laptop and put it on my bedside table.

Is dating Zayn Malik REALLY worth all this?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2013 ⏰

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