Shadow Is Alive (NEW STORY TEASER)

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For shadowisalivepeople, I think you'll like this! :)
(Teaser for new story)

Shadow had remembered how an evil tentacle shot out from Zerif's body. It wrapped around her, lifting her from the ground as her life was sucked away. Her brown skin had turned grey, and her long dark hair lost its colour. She watched herself die, like an out of body experience as her body was thrown into the chasm. Lava bubbled all around the battle between the Greencloaks, Redcloaks and the Wyrm. She remembered running around the battlefield, trying to defend those she cared about. But whenever she had tried to drag someone away from danger, her hand disappeared into their body. She had been a ghost, unable to help her friends. No one could see her, even when she tried to yell that she was there, her voice wasn't heard.

Memories flooded over Shadow as she slowly began to remember everything that had happened to her. She remembered herself as a Conqueror, then joining Shane's side as a Redcloak after the Second Devourer War. She remembered everything, except one thing.

Her real name.

Shadow's eyes opened. She was looking straight up at the sky, her body comfortably laid on the ground with her arms placed close to her sides. White fluffy clouds slowly moved above her, protecting her eyes from staring into the sun. Shadow slowly sat up, and gasped as she could see what had happened.

For the first time in a long time, her body was no longer transparent like a ghost's. Around her was a beautiful, crystal clear pond surrounded by colourful flowers and tall trees. A light breeze drifted across the land. Shadow truly thought that this was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life. She studied herself again, taking in her brown skin and clothing.

She was wearing the same clothing that she had died in. She removed her gloved hands, and dreadfully saw how her nails were still the claws of her Bile bonded spirit animal. Shadow had not changed, she was still Shadow, even in this place that looked like it could be the afterlife. But why had it taken so long to get here? She had died months ago.

"Shadow," a familiar voice said from the trees.

Shadow sprung to her feet, positioning herself in a fighting crouch. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

If this was the afterlife, who else could be with her? She couldn't remember anyone dying in her family, meaning that no one could see her. A small branch fell from a nearby tree and landed in the pond behind her. Turning her head, she couldn't see anyone in the area. She spun around slowly, scanning her surroundings. But there was nothing.

Perhaps she hadn't actually heard the voice. It was probably all in her head. She relaxed and walked closer to the pond. Small fish swam freely below her, coloured in different shades of reds, greens and oranges.

"Shadow," the same voice said again, but this time from behind her. "I finally found you."

Shadow turned around, and almost screamed when she saw King approaching her. His red cloak swirled around behind him and he had removed his white mask so that he was easily identified. He still had the same reptile-like eyes, and he also wore the same clothes he died in.

"King! Is that really you?" Shadow asked, almost not believing what she was seeing.

King nodded and broke a small smile. "Of course it's me, but we're not alone."

King stood in front of Shadow as many Redcloaks and Conquerors stepped into the area. Shadow looked around, seeing familiar faces of those who had fallen in battle before and after her. She caught sight of a Redcloak named Flip who had been killed by Zerif the same day she had been.

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