Chapter seven

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Every day for the next week, my dad and I would go berry picking in the woods for a few hours. It was quite fun, albeit rather warm with the summer sun beating down on our backs, but nevertheless it was a welcome distraction from what was coming in the next few days.
Sometimes we'd sing, or dance around with our berry baskets, and one day we even attempted to climb a few trees, but after dad fell off a branch we decided to stick to the ground for the rest of the day. It was the happiest we had both been in a while, as we felt our family's presence while we laughed and snacked on berries.
Of course, no amount of cheerful dancing and distraction could keep the reaping away for ever.
It was the night before. I'm in the living room, as dad cooks up a soup made with some plants we'd found this morning.
I twiddle my thumbs for a while. Then go to the kitchen.
"Hey-dad." I say.
"You alright Clemmie?"
I sigh "Yes-it's just... tomorrow? If I get reaped? Well..." I think. How would I phrase this? "If I get picked, and put into the games, can you promise me something?"
Dad looks up. His eyes twinkle sadly. "I will"
"The moment you get news of me- whether it be good or bad, promise me you'll leave here. Take Valerie, and Aunt Carol, and the old lady next door. You can't stay here. Especially if I give the capitol a show."
He opens his mouth as if to speak, then shuts it again. Silently, he presses something into my hands.
It was the purple pills.
The hibernation ones.
I look at him. He makes a face. The one that means 'Don't say anything, they could be listening'. I knew if I went into the games, there would be a small chance of me getting out alive.
I buried my head in Dad's shoulder.
Enjoy this moment, Clemmie. Just in case.

The morning has arrived. I sit up in bed, holding my hands in front of my eyes to keep the sun out. I savour it. Enjoy my warm and cosy bed.
There is bustling outside. I shuffle over to my window, and see herds of people getting guided to the square, parents and siblings holding onto each other, wiping dirt off faces, sorting ruffled collars.
I suppose I better get up.
I walk over to my chest of drawers, and pull out my grandmother's old dress.
The pale yellow gown with it's neatly embroidered flowers smells faintly of the tobacco she used to smoke, and the smell brings me comfort.
As I go to the washroom and splash water on my face, I make sure to enjoy every step, every sensation. Just in case.
When I pull the yellow dress over my head, it feels like a warm, comforting hug.
I savour the feeling. Just in case.
Then it is time to head downstairs. To Dad.
Walking down the stairs, I realise how much my legs are shaking.
Snap out of it Clemmie. Be strong.
I attempt what I think is a confident stride into the living room to meet dad before we leave.
Dad smiles. "You look gorgeous! But- it's missing something." He hands me a belt. A simple black one, quite thick.
I grin. I knew this belt would have secret compartments, hiding the small purple pills. Around twenty of them, I believe.
"Thank you" I whisper, hugging dad.
I savour it. Just in case.

HungerGames72Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora