Chapter one - A victor visits

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'And here is where we, um, study the cow embryos' I stammer, standing next to a lab table where neatly arranged microscopes stand and papers and notebooks are strewn everywhere.
I can tell Johanna is absolutely enthralled by my father's business so I try to speed it up as much as possible.
'So he's been working on this for a pretty long time, probably about ten years or something. And I'm sorry, I know it feels like ten years since you've been here, but we're almost finished'
Johanna smiles slightly. 'No-it's ok. But how long have we been here?'
I stare at my watch and all of a sudden forget how to tell the time.
'Oh, um- seven minutes past twelve'
She blinks 'we've only been here seven minutes?'
I shift awkwardly from foot to foot. 'Yup.'
She readjusts the little brooch thingy on her collar.
I stare at the floor.
Little dust particles lightly float on the shiny vinyl.
Dad really needs to clean up more in here.
Speaking of dad, just in time, a lighthearted knock comes from the door.
Saved by the bell.
In walks my dad, a slight spring in his step.
He extends a hand to Johanna "nice to meet you- Dalton Hardcastle" he grins, his eyes twinkling.
Johanna shakes his hand firmly; "hello Mr Hardcastle. I really like what you've got going on here" she waves her hand vaguely towards the microscopes. "Very-smart?"
Dad shrugs 'it's not much, but it pays the bills. Sorry Miss Mason, I imagine it's not the most exciting district you've seen.'
Now it's her turn to shrug. 'District four was pretty, but I like the hills here. Nice and....hilly"
I have to chew the inside of my cheek to stop myself from combusting with laughter.
Johanna smiles at me. "Well, I'm sorry but I'll have to get going. It was nice meeting you both, Dalton and Clementine."
I smile and shake her hand.
Strangely, her palm is clammy and hot.
When she looks at me one more time, it's weird.
Her eyes seem so......empty
It's like going into the arena and seeing all that death and destruction just totally ruined her.
I cast my mind back to the reaping, where a fiery girl had stormed up to the stage; and then cursed the ear off of Caesar Flickman during the interviews; and insulted and yelled at the capitol at every opportunity.
It didn't seem to be the same girl.
Her eyes seemed hollow.
In pain.
But I suppose going into an arena and fighting to the death would do that to a person.
"Oh..." says Johanna, just as her mentor, Bruce, walks her out the door "Good luck. At the reaping, I mean. I hope you don't get picked. You seem nice."
My words are caught in my throat.
"Thanks" I choke.
She's only two years older than me but she's been through stuff no one should ever have to go through.
It may have been Johanna's 'Victory tour' but to me, it didn't seem like much of a victory.

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