The Drunken Seahorse

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A few days later, while still avoiding calls from Lu, I admit I hesitated on ringing back Jesse. There's just so much history with us, and now knowing how significant I was to him and his journey, it took a lot of strength to press down on ignore. But I did and, right now, I had to.

Because as of this morning, Ambrose had finally asked me on a date. Therefore, the best thing to do was put my ex out of my mind.

We agreed on it being a 'light' date. You know, casual and with no need for pressure, so I didn't feel silly getting dressed in ripped jeans and a pink lace top. Make-up was minimal too, with skin-tint moisturizer and nude lipstick. I looked pretty, at least that was the idea.

I was on the bottom step of the staircase when someone poked me on the shoulder. Flipping my head up, Zoey squatted down next to me and lit up a cigarette.

"You look nice. Where ya off to?"

I reached to stuff my foot into my boots, I was strangely sweaty.

"I've, uh, got a date."

She perked up. "Ooh, have you and Jesse finally–"


Brushing aside how much her expression fell, I slipped on my second shoe. She'd never been our number one cheerleader when it came to my relationship with Jesse, but she knew he made me happy and that was enough.

That was more than nine months ago. Times change and so did we.

I was throwing on my denim jacket when my mom walked in, presumably heading to the kitchen for another bottle of wine. She stopped and stared at me, hazy eyes trying to pick up on anything of note.

"Dear, it's almost dinner, where are you going?"

Rolling my eyes, I was about to snap at her when my sister butt in.

"She's got a date." When my mom blinked rapidly, Zoey's smirk was teasing. "Don't you?"

I was going to beat her when I got back, I swear.

"Yeah. Honestly, it's nothing, we're just going for a drink. I'll be back before midnight." Making the last minute decision to tie up my hair, I didn't fail to notice the spasm that crossed my mother's face.

"Is it... is it with Jesse?"

I was getting tired of hearing his name. I couldn't go on a single date without anyone thinking of him. I get it, I'm clearly transparent in my feelings about him, but the assumptions were boiling my blood.

My life didn't revolve around him and it's not like I hadn't been on other dates since we broke up. Of course, they'd never amounted to anything, at most another date, but that wasn't the point. We weren't like bacon and eggs.

Besides, sometimes you liked to spice things up. Add a bit of hot sauce. There was nothing wrong with that.


"Actually, it's Ambrose." Watching as my sister's mouth upturned like she was about to laugh, I almost missed out on the slight flinch my mom made. "I have to get going, okay. I'll see you later."

"Wait! Ashley–"

I was saved from tearing this family apart by Zoey holding her back as I closed the door behind me. There was a tug at the back of my brain, begging to go back inside, but I left it there as I ambled into the dry mist of Jasper.

I wasn't waiting too long outside of The Stand Easy bar by the time Ambrose showed up. I dully noted his choice of clothes. A white collared shirt; he clearly wasn't worried about making a mess.

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