22. Revealed

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Third person POV's


Y/N and Jane rang the doorbell when they arrived at the twins house. It did not take long for them to open the door and welcome the girls. Y/N and Jane enter the house accompanied by Jaysper behind. Zayn and Zen looked at Jaysper with a confused looked but they just kept quiet and waited for Y/N to tell the story herself.

"Hey Zayn, have you prepared the dinner yet?" Y/N asked as soon as they arrived in the living room. "Oh, yes. Dinner is ready. Would you all want to eat first?" Zayn said.  "Of course, my stomach are screaming because of the hunger. Jaysper, were you hungry too?" Jane said and looked at the boy next to her. Jaysper just nodded while smiling at her. Zen who just watched them began to say, "Uhm okay, why don't we have a dinner right away?" Zen said while looking at them especially at Jaysper. Both the girl and the boy just nodded in agreement and followed the twins to the kitchen and sat at the dining table.

Jaysper's eyes began to shine when he look at all the dishes on the table. "Wow." Jaysper said while waiting for Jane to pour the food to his plate. "You like it?" Zayn asked the little boy who was sitting in front of him. The boy nodded fast and saying, "This food looks delicious! Who cook this?" Jaysper asked. "Ofcourse our home chef named Zayn Michael Maxwell." Zen said, presenting Zayn on his side and put the food into his plate. "Wow." Jaysper said while clapping his hands. "What's the names of meals you cook today Zayn?" Y/N said to Zayn. "Oh, this is Potluck Macaroni with Cheese and this is Beef and Mushrooms with Smashed Potatoes." Zayn said as he poured the food into his plate. "Its looks delicious, why did you suddenly cook something like this?" Jane asked.

"Hm, this Beef and Mushrooms with Smashed Potatoes, I was inspired to make this after I couldn't stop thinking of a similar dish served in my school cafeteria when I was 15, so I search for this recipe on the internet. This Potluck Macaroni with Cheese, well, you know you'll always have a winner at the potluck when you bring macaroni and cheese. So I made this recipe special for all of you." Zayn said while smiling.

They began to eat the food while praising the dishes cooked by Zayn.

After finishing, they all moves into the living room. "This fish is beautiful! Its colorful. What is this fish name?" Jaysper asked and pointing at the fish in the tank. "Its Color." Zen said while bending beside the boy. "Its suit him. I have a cat named Casper. He's fur is all white and its has a black eyed on the left and a blue eyed on the right. His eyes are also really BIG! The first time I saw it, I kept remembering a character named Casper, Casper was a ghost who haunted a house with his uncles who was also a ghost like him. So I decided to call him Casper." Jaysper said while remembering at his cat. "I wonder what is he doing right now. He's all alone in the house and doesn't have anyone to play with. He must be bored." The boy said again.

Y/N joined them and said, "He's fine. I already called Mr. Jack and asked him to take care of Casper. He and his wife is a cat lover so they don't actually mind taking care of him. Luckily, Jane have a cat cage with her and we also put Casper at the outside so it'll be easier for Mr. Jack and his wife to come and take him." "You both should be grateful that my young brother wanted a cat and he decided to just take my cat with him and then he give it to his girlfriend and then I mad at him when I heard about it and he then broke up with her and she didn't give my cat back and then he said sorry and then I forgive him and I didn't get a cat yet to take care and accompany me when I was bored and alone and then I still keep the cage even though I dont have any cat but I just still decided to keep it because I thought that I can find another cat and end up we still need to use it for Casper." Jane said with full of information. "Hahah I know about it Jane, thank you so much, we were really grateful about it." Y/N said while giggles. "We sure are so lucky to have you Jane." Zayn said and sat beside Jane.

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