Chapter 3

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 Starting over was never easy, Autumn knew that more than anyone. Every since she could remember her mother had kept her at a far distance, never allowing herself to get too close. Autumn never understood it. It was only when her mother sent her to Crumpton's that she finally understood. Her mother hated her. Autumn tried for so long to think about an event that would make her mother dislike her own child so much, but she came up empty.

So she stopped trying, caring even. It was just how they worked and it was how it would always be.

Calling her brothers was the right thing to do she thought to herself. Even if it did mean she had to see her mother. She couldn't stay a moment longer in that place especially after what happened the other night.

When her brothers gave her the idea to defacing the entire school she thought they were joking. She knew that would never work, unless she did something extra. Which gave her the idea to break into Dean Crumpton's office and log onto his online dating account. (An already logged in account might she add. He honestly was just asking for trouble.)And just to bump up her chances of being expelled she printed over a thousand copies of his profile and placed them all over the school, including all the classrooms, every bathroom stall, and even his wife's office. Did she forget to mention that Dean Crumpton was a married man? Oops.

Needless to say, it worked and here she was on her way home. 

She should have been happy and she was, in a way. Autumn was happy to finally see her brothers after almost a year and to finally sleep in her own comfy bed again, but she wasn't happy to hide the strange things happening to her.  She couldn't imagine telling her brothers, she wouldn't even know where to begin. They would think she was crazy and they had every right too, because that's how she felt. After that night Autumn couldn't remember a single thing and just to add to the weirdness the excruciating pains just stopped. It was like it never happened and she started to think nothing actually did. 

As she drove up to the familiar surroundings of Fallon, Autumn kept repeating the same words over and over again. " Nothing happened. NOTHING happened." Now all she had to do was actually believe it. For now, she would pretend the words she spoke in her head were true.

Just as Autumn got done repeating the same words for the hundredth time that day, the cab finally pulled onto the road that led to home. She took in the surroundings she han't seen in the months she had been away. All around her were the same colors, green and brown. The trees were everywhere. Both sides of the narrow road the cab was driving on was covered with them which separated her from the rest of the world. Autumn liked the isolation the most where she lived. No one even knew  the house existed and that was just fine by her. When the washed out white colored house come into view she repeated the words once again, but a loud this time just for good measure. 

As the cab came to a full stop in front of the home, Autumn spoke over the seat."Thank you." She was worried about a lot of things as she stepped out of the cab, but the most nerve racking  was standing  in front of a house that felt like she had never even left. Ever thing was exactly in it's place, right down to the shriveled up plant in the corner of the porch.

She didn't realize how long she had been standing out front just starring, but due to the cab being long gone she knew it must have been at least a few minutes. "Nothing's different Autumn, Nothing" she whispered under her breath, but there was. She just didn't know what for sure, but she could feel it. Taking a deep breath she took the only choice she had and walked through the front door like she had a million times before that day. 

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