Conspiracy 4

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On March 8,2014, Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, disappears off radar without any mayday call. After, it disappears UK experts find out the plane ended up in the Southern Indian Ocean. A strong theory that is one of the strongest of all is that the cabin lost pressure and the crew dropped the altitude and turned back to Malaysia. With this Theory it could prove why there was no phone calls from passengers to the ground. Just like on 9/11 people onboard both the American Airlines flights and United Airlines, the passengers called people on the ground to tell them they were being hijacked. If the plane lost pressure it could explain why plane dropped in altitude and why the plane turned back to Malaysia. In August 14,2005, Helios Airways flight 522 lost air pressure and ended up crashing when it ran out of fuel all 121 people onboard died. But, in MH370's case it took 2 more turns after it flew over Malaysia. If the pilots onboard turned the plane back to Malaysia to be heroes and then accidentally turn off the transponder and then passed out it wouldn't explain the other two turns or less if that wasn't MH370 and it was something else. But, investigators been investigating captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and there's a theory he was suicidal. Before the final flight of MH370, his wife and family had left him and he could of been depressed and wanted to die as a pilot because it has happens before. In October 31,1999, EgyptAir Flight 990, crashed in the Atlantic Ocean while enroute from New York to Cairo, the cause of the crash was pilot suicide. The first officer relief pilot Gameel Al-Batouti, crashed the boeing 767-300ER killing all 217 people on board. Now, this could be a possibility for MH370, because the captains wife and family left him before the flight and he could of wanted attention to show his wife that he was involved in a plane mystery. With this evidence this is the most strongest evidence out there that we know. The captain of MH370 could of turn off the transponder and lower the air pressure and kill everyone onboard and himself and flew the plane with autopilot to the Southern Indian Ocean. Now the final question would be for this theory, "was MH370 flight disappearance a accident or not?".

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