Conspiracy 1

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On March 8,2014 Malaysia Airlines flight 370 disappears off radar and vanishes over the gulf of Thailand. Then, MH370 on military radar of Malaysia and Thailand see an unidentified plane flying from where MH370 disappeared and the plane made a sharp turn towards Malaysia. The Malaysia military, all they did was track the plane and didn't even send fighter jets up in the sky to investigate. If this plane was approaching the U.S. then our military would send fighter jets up immediately, because of what happen on September 11,2001. Mostly any country would send fighter jets up to see what's happening onboard. The question that needs to be answer here is "why didn't know one from the military really investigate this unidentified plane flying?", because a boeing 777-200 can do a lot of damage to the ground just like 9/11. If this plane was hijack and after a target it could kill everyone onboard and everyone at the target. If the military was involved did they shoot down MH370, and is that why no one can find a single piece of wreckage from the plane. With all plane crashes in the ocean there always been wreckage within 10 days. Just like Air France Flight 447, which disappeared off radar while enroute from Rio De Janeiro to Paris. The pilots of AF447 didn't even make a mayday call or anything to air traffic control, which in 5days they found bodies floating and wreckage floating of flight 447. It took two years to find AF447, but they found out the cause of the crash was the pilot tubes of the a330 froze and the pilots didn't knew what was happening so the plane stalled and crash into the Atlantic Ocean. So, with all of the plane crashes before there's always been wreckage in the ocean, but with MH370 is the Malaysia military or the American military involved on why there's no wreckage, did they shoot it down. If they did shoot it down was it sabotage or was it a threat to the world that we civilians can't know. After all every government has there secrets.

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