Chapter twelve

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Read authors note at the bottom, when finished with the chapter.

A lot of pov changes or whatever you call them. The movie kinda jumps from place to place.

Not edited 


"What do you mean, he paid to have Tony killed? Pepper, slow down. Why would Obadiah..." Rhodes was on his way to Tony's after Pepper called him freaking out.

"I don't know, but he isn't answering his phone. Please go over there and make sure everything is okay." The two exchanged a couple of words before saying their goodbyes. Rhodes sped up his truck and tried to get to the Stark mansion as fast as possible. He didn't know what was going on but it wasn't good.


After the paralysis wore off Tony tried to get to his workshop as quickly as possible. He couldn't take the stairs so he stumbled over to the elevator. Even with the paralysis gone, Obadiah had still taken the arc reactor which was the only thing keeping Tony alive. He was sweaty and pale. he looked like a ghost.

When his ghostly figure stumbled out of the elevator, he looked around his workshop for something to help. He eyes gazed upon the arc reactor that Pepper had framed for him. It wasn't a lot of power, but it would work. He made a couple steps before collapsing to the floor. 

He groaned as he forced his arms up to pull him across the floor. When he finally got to the table that had the framed reactor, he grabbed onto a bin that he used to hold himself up. He could almost reach it, he could feel the cold glass against his sweaty finger tips. And when he thought he had it in his grasp, he collapsed. He laid on the cold cement floor of his workshop as he leaned his head up against the table. He took a few breaths. 

How pathetic was this, huh. The great Tony Stark was laying on his floor dying because a machine was ripped out of his chest. Obadiah took everything from him, his trust, his reactor, Stephanie... Stephanie. Tony had bee so wrapped up trying to stay a live he forgot the Obadiah took Stephanie. Oh god, what was going to happen to her. She was a kid. His kid.

Tony looked over once he heard Dummies robotic whining. Dummy, one of his robotic 'friends' was holding the framed reactor in its claw.  Tony reached up and grabbed it and looked up to the robot, who tilted its claw/head a couple times. 

"Good boy." Tony smiled. He used the remainder of his strength to turn over and smash the glass container onto the floor.


Obadiah stood in front of his version of Tony's suit. Stephanie stood beside him looking up at the monstrous thing. It was a boring grey metal and tall, really, really tall. 

Stephanie broke her stare and looked down to her hands. If she wanted to she could take Obadiah out with just the snap of her fingers, but she knew she it would only cause more problems. She looked up from her hands to Obie's hands. In them he held Tony's arc reactor. Stephanie held in a whimper. She knew that the reactor was the only thing keeping Tony alive, and if Obadiah had it, then what happened to Tony. 

She watched as the man she once called her uncle, walk up to the iron robot and carefully place the reactor inside. She could hear it click into place and power everything up. She straightened up as Obadiah turned to her. 

He took slow steps forward and knelt down in front of her. His face was calm and had a smile as he looked up at the girl. The smile used to have a warm, welcoming feeling but now it just gave Stephanie the chills. He raised a hand a tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "Oh, Stephanie. Tsk, tsk, tsk" He shook his head. "What am I going to do with you? Huh?" He caressed her small cheek with his thumb, to which Stephanie flinched. She recovered and stood up taller. Looking the man in his eyes. He chuckled and stood up.

Iron Man 1 [MCU x OC] [Book 1 of the Stephanie Stark Series]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon