Chapter nine

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"Notes. Main transducer feels sluggish at plus 40 altitude. Hull pressurization is problematic." Tony was sitting in his chair surrounded by computers. He was working on how to upgrade his suit so he could fly high and not freeze up at certain altitudes like he did when he first tried flying. "I'm thinking icing is the probably factor." 

"A very astute observation, sir." Jarvis' voice rang out. "Perhaps if you intend to visit other planets we should improve the exosystems."

"Connect to the sys. co. Have it reconfigure the shell metals. Use the gold titanium alloy from the seraphim tactical satellite. That should ensure a fuselage integrity while maintaining power-to-weight ratios. Got it?" 

"Yes. Shall I render using proposed specifications?"

"Thrill me." Tony then turned up the volume on his TV where a reporter was talking about some kind of red carpet event. 

"Tonight's red-hot red carpet is right here at Disney concert hall, where Tony Stark's third annual benefit..." At the mention of his name Tony leaned over to see past his computers.

"Hey Jarvis, we get an invite for that?"

"I have no record of an invitation, sir." Tony pursed his lips and grabbed the mask he was working on. He held it up to his face and looked through the eye holes at the TV.

"... Tony hasn't been seen in public since his bizarre and highly controversial press conference." The news channel then pulled up a picture of the press conference Tony gave when he first got back from Afghanistan. "Some claim he's suffering from post traumatic stress and has been bedridden for weeks. Whatever the case may be, no one expects an appearance from him tonight." Tony looked down at his hands as Jarvis spoke up once again.

"The render is complete." Tony looked at his computer screen to see the model of his suit. It was silver and quite boring.

"A little ostentatious don't you think?"

"What was I thinking? You're usually so discreet." Tony sighed and looked behind him at a car he had been working on. It was an old-fashioned model with red, yellow, and orange flames painted on the front of it. 

"Tell you what. Throw a little hot-rod-red in there."

"Yes," Jarvis replied sarcastically, "that should help you keep a low profile." Tony looked back at the screen and took a sip of drink he had made. The model of the suit was being modified to add the red into the design.

"The render is complete."

"Yeah, I like it. Fabricate it. Paint it."

"Commencing automated assembly. Estimated completion time is five hours." Tony stood up from his chair and picked up a watch from the table he was sitting at. 

"Don't wait up for me, honey." 

Next thing he knew, he was driving to a party that he wasn't necessarily supposed to be at. 


When he got to the event, he got out of his car and tossed his keys to the valet and walked onto the red carpet. The quests were shocked to see him and some of the ladies even tried to get his attention. 

As he got to a more crowded area, he grasped at people attention. The ladies started squealing and chatting to their friends how the great Tony Stark was there. 

"Hey Tony. Remember me?" A girl asked, she bit her lip and looked at him.

"Sure don't." He smiled and wandered pass.He then walked by an older man surrounded by ladies. "You look great, Hef." He patted the man of his shoulder as he walked by. [Stan lee!! I love him and his cameos] 

Iron Man 1 [MCU x OC] [Book 1 of the Stephanie Stark Series]Where stories live. Discover now