love letters (sr)

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The one where you and Spencer speak at your wedding reception, sharing the most subtly romantic parts of your relationship

The one where you and Spencer speak at your wedding reception, sharing the most subtly romantic parts of your relationship

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"I've been writing y/n letters ever since our first date," Spencer said, beginning his speech at your wedding reception. "It started as a way for her to know that I cared about her. Then it was our secret way to communicate around the team. Then it became just our thing. I always wrote her a letter, on special occasions, after a tough case, when I thought her hair looked nice. They could have been the simplest letter. I think one even said I like the color you painted your nails. Any way for me to tell her I loved her no matter how big or small."

You had a small tear down your eye as you looked at your now husband.

"I also have a diary that I write in especially a few years ago, less now that I have y/n," Spencer laughed. "But I found this one entry that I think is important I share with everyone.

Dear Diary,

Today this new girl joined the team. Her name is y/n and she is a few years younger than me. She is very smart, but doesn't like to flaunt it. On the jet earlier, she listened to my facts. Actually listened. And she was interested in my facts. She was the first one to realize the unsub was a woman and not a man. No one could have realized it until she noticed the unsub was going after people she wished to be. I really like her, and I know my therapist says not to trust people so easily, but y/n is different. I genuinely laughed today. Everything about her is perfect. She has the brightest smile and eyes like the ocean. Maybe I'll try to ask her out, but I don't think I'm her type. She was really friendly with Hotch, maybe shes into older guys. I'm still going to become friends with her. I think we will be really good friends.

So obviously I was very unsure about if this day would ever happen. If me now told me then I was getting married to y/n I probably would have asked if I drugged her, but no I didn't. I love you y/n Reid." Everyone clapped for Spencer and now it was your turn to speak, you and Spencer decided on doing small speeches during the reception instead of doing long vows.

Spencer handed you the microphone signalling for your speech to begin, "As Spencer earlier said Spencer wrote me a lot of love letter. I mean a lot. I think Spencer thought I threw them out, but I have kept every one since the first time he wrote one. When I counted I think there was well over 600. It hit 600 and I stopped counting. So I decided today would be the perfect time to share some of my favorites.

Dear y/n,

I can't believe you agreed to go on a date with me. I will pick you up at seven, wear something nice. You'll look gorgeous in anything. After dinner I was thinking we could watch Star Trek at my apartment, let me know your thoughts. I think it is smart of us to keep this a secret from the team, at least until things become serious.

Yours truly,


Dear y/n,

Today marks three months of dating behind the teams back. I can't believe they haven't figured it out. Some profilers they are. The past three months have been the best three months of my life. I can't wait to see how beautiful you look at Rossi's tonight, hopefully I won't blow our cover.

Always and forever,


Dear y/n,

The past six months with you have been amazing. I will never be more grateful than right now, you're finally going to move in with me. I know when I asked you two months ago you were nervous, but now I think it may be time to tell the team about us. They're our family and they deserve to know. Tell me what you think about tonight, I'll pick you up at seven. Wear that one low cut dress I love on you.

Always and forever,


Dear y/n,

I can't believe we finally told the team and I can't believed they had bets. Now I can kiss you, hug you, and love you all the time. Also you don't have to wake up early to cover your neck, I want them to know you're mine. I can't wait to stop having to room with Derek on cases, it got annoying when he'd keep asking me if I ever got laid. I want you to come with me to Las Vegas on our next break. You can meet my mom, she already knows about you.

Always and forever,


Dear y/n,

You scared me during yesterdays case. I thought I lost you. I know we can't mix relationships and work, but seeing you bleed like that scared me. Meet me at the park we had out first date at tonight at six. I want to talk.

Always and forever,


Dear y/n,

I can't believe we're finally engaged. I've spent the last year and a half loving you and the past five years being your best friend. I can't wait for forever.

I love you,


These ones are obviously from the most important moments in our relationship and I will forever cherish these letters. Spencer Reid I love you so much. Here is to official always and forever." You looked over at Spencer who was smiling with teary eyes. He was shocked you kept all the letters. Spencer engulfed you into a hug.

"Always and forever."

Words: 993

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