Lotor is a big purple grape, and Allura needs to stop

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A/N: The beginning is based off an episode in Season 6, it's pretty easy to tell which one right away, but other than that, the rest is just me. This is a pretty long one... like most of mine so far... so get comfy, with a drink, some snacks... however y'all read FF.

Keith's POV:

I had just landed with Romelle, My Mom, and my Wolf... who still doesn't have a name, I had something very... interesting to say the least regarding Lotor, Something I would've been fine not knowing... but there was no going back now.

I landed the ship in the hanger, and was greeted by Allura, Shiro, Lance, Hunk, and Coran, But no Lotor... or Pidge... that's weird.

"Whoa whoa whoa, how do we know this is Keith, and not his Bigger, Cooler, Grizzled older brother," God darn it Lance...

"I don't have time for this Lance." I shoved past him, and walked up to the others.

"Hey everybody, Keith's Back!"

"Where's Lotor, there's something you all need to know about him."

They all looked at each other, before Lance said, "He's with Pidge...Why?"

I felt my breath stop, and my eyes widen, and started Running, "WHERE ARE THEY?" Everyone started running after me.

Coran was behind me, "They're in the bridge, why? What's going on? And Why is there an Altean, a Space Wolf, and a Galra with you?"

"I'll explain all of that later, but right now, we need to find Pidge and Lotor.

Lance was running next to me, "Alright then... Let's go."

We all ran... well I was full on sprinting, and skidded to a stop in front of the door to the bridge, it slid open, and there was Pidge and Lotor, talking." 

I took my B.O.M knife out, which caught Allura's attention, and she moved in front of Lotor, "Pidge, Allura... step away from Lotor," Allura scoffed, "I will do no such thing." Pidge blinked a couple times, and moved a few paces away from him.

Lance yelped when he noticed my knife out, "Hey Mullet! What are you doing, put the knife down, he's just a friend."

"That's exactly what he wants you to think... But I believe you have a different story," I glanced toward Romelle, who nodded, before focusing my attention back on Lotor, who's eyes widened once he recognized Romelle.

"Yes... well you see I'm from a planet much like Altea, it's where me and my brother Bandor use to live, you see Lotor here, came to the planet and told us about another planet suitable to live on, but he needed people... and if you were healthy, you could go, if you weren't, you had to stay on the planet, and couldn't go. I... wasn't healthy enough apparently, so I couldn't go, but my brother Bandor was, and he was selected to go. I had always had this strange feeling that everything wasn't as it seemed, you see all of the people that went to this supposed planet... ever came back."

Pidge glanced in Lotor's direction, before looking back at Romelle, and asked, "What do you mean they never came back?"

"They all were taken to this Facility, and there Quintessance was drained out of them, Me Keith, Krolia, and the Wolf, saw... it was terrible."

Pidge tried to take more steps away from Lotor, but he grabbed her arm, and dug his nails into her arm, which made her let out a noise of surprise, not a yelp, or a scream, just something in between. It made us all pull out our weapons, and aim it at Lotor, My Blade enlarged, and turned into a sword, "B-but the Quintessance is their life force practically, if you drain it out of them..."

She couldn't bring herself to say it, and she looked down with a sad expression on her face. Allura looked behind her at Lotor, "T-there has to be another explanation, maybe you 4, didn't see it correctly, or your minds were playing tricks on you."

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