authors note

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Hey I just wanted to say that if anyone has any ideas for the story than please do share and I will add it in. Sorry the chapters are so short I'm trying to make them longer but I have a time limite on how long I get to Write because I have a lot of homework so I am trying my best to think of ideas but I am struggling so really If anyone has any ideas please share and I will add them in sorry again have a good day/night/evening/whatever time it is for you.

And for those who are worried about me please don't be this is to put your mind at ease I'm ok. I could be better but I'm getting better I've just had a very mentally tiering and all together shit week so please don't worry I'm getting better.

Ok have a good whatever time it is for you bye! ☺️

160 words

the boy who was broken ~drarry~/UNDER EDITING/Where stories live. Discover now