Loose ends

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In the executive bathroom at Stark Tower, Pepper Potts was staring at a small stick in her hand. "Pregnant," she said, in a daze.

"Congratulations, ms Potts. Mr Coulson will be so happy," Friday's cool voice said.

"The baby is not his! We haven't...! Friday, we've only been dating a few weeks. It's Tony's," Pepper said.

"Sir... is going to be a father?" Friday asked, and if an A.I, could sound shocked, Friday did. But then Friday wasn't your typical A.I.

Pepper tossed the pregnancy test into the trash and walked back into her CEO office. "Fucking hell," she groaned as she collapsed into her chair.

"Language!" Steve chastized. Pepper had completely forgotten he was going to show up for a chat about organising a charity event to benefit LGBTQ youth.

Pepper raised her head and stared at Steve, impossibly muscly Steve sitting right in front of her and who she had completely failed to see when she entered the room. "I'm pregnant with Tony's baby."

"Fucking hell," Steve gasped.

"That's what she said," Friday said.

Pepper and Steve stared at each other with wide eyes, then burst into laughter.

"Was that not the proper way to use that expression?" Friday asked.

Steve broke into another peal of laughter. "No, that was perfect, actually."

"What the hell are we going to do?" Pepper groaned and planted her head in her hands.

"It'll be alright, Pepper. You'll work this out. You're all sensible adults."

"Yeah, and Tony."

Steve snickered.

"I mean, this whole thing with Peter, Wade and Pool has shown Tony has little appreciation for unorthodox relationships. I don't know how he will react to finding out he's going to be a father with his ex girlfriend who is dating someone else."

"Pepper, Tony's dating a guy who turns into a green rage monster and goes to space to have sex with the God of Thunder. He might have learned a lesson or two about unorthodox relationships since that day."

Tony and Bruce had made their relationship public only a few days earlier. Tony had asked everyone to brunch, then dropped what he thought was a bomb. A lot of money had exchanged hands and Tony had been outraged. Apparently Wade, Pool and Bucky weren't the only ones making bets. Even some of the lab staff had been in on the betting pool.

"Why did you think Pepper left you, Tony?" Sam had asked bracingly. "She knew your heart was elsewhere before you even did."

Tony had looked shifty at the mention of Pepper.

"You did tell her, didn't you?" Bruce had asked. "I thought you were going to tell her after your meeting this morning?"

"I did! She just... she kissed my cheek and wished me luck," Tony had muttered.

Clint had snickered. "I bet you were hoping she would break down and cry when you told her."

"Aww, didn't your mean ex girlfriend not spend her life pining for you after your break up?" Bucky had asked.

"Was it really that much to ask?" Tony had asked bitterly to frankly rude hilarity from the gathered Avengers.

"Look, I have to think about this," Pepper now said. "Can you keep this to yourself for now?"

"Of course, but you're not thinking of... I mean, it's your body and your decision," Steve added hastily.

"God, no, Steve! I just need to think how to tell Phil. And Tony." Pepper thought furiously. "We have that thing tomorrow. Maybe. If things go well. Anyway, I don't want to let this steal their thunder. I better tell Tony only afterwards."

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