Already Gone

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You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go

"Okay, so I went out and got a few suits- you need the perfect one, so try all these on and come out and show me. Okay?" Olivia had sat 4 different suits on the bed, along with about 7 ties.

So obnoxious.

George had a hard time convincing her, but the nurse had unhooked some cords to let him Into the bathroom without getting all tangled up.

He came out with each suit, getting more annoyed with each one.

"Mum- they look the exact same." He sighed and threw all the suits back on the bed while he sat down.

"No they don't! Look this one is a bit lighter, this one- this one has different fabric, this-"

"Mum! Just- this one. This one is fine." George forced a smile to try and be appreciative, but he honestly just wanted his mom gone as soon as she came.

"Are you sure? I just want you to have the most perfect day."

"Yes. Yes I'm sure."

George looked over at Sapnap, who just smiled innocently. What an arse.

George shooed his mother away, requesting she go to the hotel to finish her planning. He made an excuse that visiting times were over, which seemed to work, but just barely.

When he was alone again with Sapnap, he let out a long, exaggerated sigh of relief and let his muscles release from the tense hold that kept him stiff.

It had been 4 days, maybe it was time. Maybe George could convince himself to let Dream come back.

He picked up his phone, and called Dream.

"Hey Geor-"

"I need you to come back, okay? So we can get married. I need to marry you. Soon. Like, in a few days. Please." George cut Dream off, not even saying a hello because who has time for that?

But George was smiling, a big cheesy grin because he was happy, he was excited to be calling Dream and telling him to come back. He was excited to get married and love Dream.

"What? Okay I'll um, I'll be there in a bit."

Dream hung up. He didn't sound amazing, he sounded tired, bored maybe, and it made George bite at his nails. Did Dream hate him now?

"Sap he hates me!" George whisper shouted, crossing his arms. Obviously it was an overreaction, but he really wouldn't be surprised.

"No he doesn't, you're insane. I mean- you did yell at him to leave and then didn't let him come back for what- 4 days? I'm sure it's fine." Sapnap tried to give a comforting smile, but it didn't help.

George was anxious, he felt awkward like, maybe he wouldn't know what to say.

Dream was his fiancé, right? That's how it works? He didn't have his ring, though.

Soon enough, Dream had knocked and walked into the room.

"Hi" he said, glancing to George carefully, scared he may get chewed out or shouted at.

"Hey," George had replied barely over a whisper, forcing himself to stare down at his fingers to avoid Dream's eyes.

Dream had slowly walked over, sat on the bed, and pulled George into his lap. This made George squeal in surprise, wrapping his arms around Dream's neck so he wouldn't fall.

Sapnap took the hint and left the room, winking at them before leaving.

George was still looking away, biting his lip while deciding on what he should say.

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