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Hiiii!! This is gonna be fun to write. I don't have an update schedule, this is really only just to keep myself busy. If the CC's express that they are uncomfortable with being shipped, the story will be immediately deleted.

Each chapter will be named after a song by Sleeping at Last, along with a quote from the song.

There won't be smut- but story may contain some explicit themes.

With shortness of breath
I'll try to explain the infinite
And how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist

"I'm so, so sorry sir. We expect 7 months at most."
George's ears rang as he stood in the office, his eyes digging into the oh so interesting carpet.

He had just been told he was diagnosed with stage 4, terminal leukemia- he wasn't sure what kind, he wasn't able to listen that long before he felt his heartbeat throb in his head.

The doctor smiled sadly as small wet spots puddled onto the table, and he stood to talk about options he had.

George simply shook his head and told him he wanted to do nothing. He was too late, and now his life was coming to an end.

It was hard to be optimistic about this, too hard. He decided he would keep this from his friends- they didn't need to know, and they probably wouldn't care.

Was the sickness taking his head too? He chuckled hollowly at the thought, sounding more like a broken sob.

Of course his friends would care, maybe that's why he would keep it to himself. He'd live his last few months like normal, and then die quietly.

Would his friends question what they did wrong when he would no longer answer them? Perhaps, but that wasn't exactly worrying him at the moment.

He arrived back home, immediately beginning to cry when the door shut. His lip quivered as he slid down the closed door, his head falling into his shaking hands.

7 months? That wasn't enough. That was nowhere near enough.

He thought about Dream- he had been crushing on his friend the past 5 months, maybe it was a little more than a crush, not that it would matter now.

George slapped his hand over his mouth, muffling the heartbreaking sobs that filled his apartment.

3 hours had passed since he'd gotten home, and he was still sitting at the door with his head against his knees that he hugged onto tightly with his tired arms.

He was no longer crying, just staring at the floor with thoughts flooding his mind. He heard his phone chime with texts and missed calls the past 30 minutes, but he didn't really put mind to looking and replying.

Until he realized he promised to stream and play an amount of games that they had been planning since the past week amongst the SMP members-

"Shit! Shit shit what the fuck!" George scrambled up, wincing at the aching in his legs.

He raced to his computer and hit the power button, quickly going to his messages.

There was some from Dream, Sapnap, and even one from Tommy.


Hey we're starting soon
Georgeee get on dude

Sap nappity

George wake up
We've been planning this the whole week dont dip now

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