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I'll go anywhere you want
Anywhere you want me
I know the further I go
The harder I try, only keeps my eyes closed
And somehow I've fallen in love

Breakfast was quiet.

Well, for George it was. He sat at the stool while his friends talked, figured out plans.

He poked at the food in front of him, not having the heart to tell them that he had lost his appetite.

So he just continued poking at the spongey eggs, hoping that he would somehow trick himself into thinking they would be good for him.

Slow, deep breaths.

The nausea didn't help, the pit in his stomach begging to be filled, but he knew it would end up making him puke later.


He snapped his gaze to Bad, who had called his name a few times.

"How does the arcade sound?"

George had just nodded, a probably very obviously forced smile playing on his lips. He was distracted, not exactly paying the most attention to what was happening or what his friends had been saying.

He did however hear that there was a big arcade an hour away that they had wanted to spend the whole day at to hopefully get a good prize. That would be fun, spend the day with his friends to play a bunch of games.

Before he knew what was happening, everyone had jumped up to get ready to leave.


They had all met in the car, Sapnap in the front, bad and George in the back.

"So how far is this place again?" George asked, looking out the window at the trees that blurred by.

"Just under an hour," Dream replied a little too quickly. It was clear that he was excited, the way he bounced his knee, how he drummed his fingers against the wheel. His wide smile that showed his gorgeous dimples, the jitter in his voice.

This made George smile softly to himself, the small things that were just so pleasant about Dream.

Sapnap had the aux cord, which everyone groaned at, but he ended up playing actually good music that everyone sang along loudly to(except an occasional cuss word making bad freak out and demand the song be changed immediately).

The time seemed to fly by as they all laughed and cheered to songs, and soon enough the car had pulled into the parking lot of a big building with bright lights strobing around.

It had only been 12 when they arrived, so they figured they'd stay until 5 or 6 and then make their drive back home. Maybe stay a little longer, it wasn't all that thoroughly planned out.

Now Dream was naturally a very cocky and confident person, quite competitive as well. It was an annoying trait that made Sapnap and George roll their eyes at.

His annoying confidence shone through the second they walked through the doors,

"Whoever gets the most tickets wins, hm? I'll win, but you all can go against each other." Dream had said with a smirk, paying for tokens that they could all use.

"You're stupid if you think you're winning. What's the prize?" Sapnap retorted, curling his lip in irritation.

"Ooh! Ooh! Winner gets ALL the tickets!" Bad piped up, smiling and bouncing on his heels excitedly.

George giggled and nodded. This would be fun, he knew he may not win.. but it was worth a shot. It didn't really matter if he won anyways, he'd just end up getting the rest of them things they wanted with the tickets.

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