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Micheal's POV

"John where the fuck are you!!? I have Yunna with me as we speak she's unconscious, Call me back now!!" I hang up the phone ending my voicemail to John. How did Yunna get out? Did she.. kill John..? No no she couldn't. Johns the best officer in town.
"I guess this is in my hands now.." I sigh a shaking breath. 'You can do this Mike' I tell myself. I start examining Yunnas wounds, not only is her head busted open, her wrists had cuff marks so deep she was bleeding. Bad. But there's nothing I can do besides restrain her. I grab both sets of cuffs off of the dead guard by my door. I cuff her hands behind her back and I cuff her ankles together. As soon as I feel she's mostly restrained I pick her up in a cradle. Why did this all have to happen.. we could have been together but now I don't know what to do. She's my best friend. But she killed the love of my life. Even so why do I feel so bad for her..?
"M-Mikey?" Her eyes flutter open and my heart starts racing with fear. I wait for her to attack or do something, anything. But she just nuzzles into my chest and crys.
"W-why is it so hard for me to just be with you!?" She crys out, "all I've ever wanted was you but then she came along and the Mikey I knew so well changed.. You use to say you love me.. even if it was just as friends that was the best part of my days.. as soon as "She" came into the picture you stopped saying you love me.. you stopped hanging out every day.. you seemed annoyed by me constantly.."
"Yunna.." I drop to my knees thinking about the old days,


(1 years earlier)

I run as fast as my legs can carry me to Yunnas house. Its her birthday and I plan on spending the whole day with her. I just have to convince her mom. She's been a bitch sense Yunnas dad was killed. Yunna found him in their shed and was covered in his blood, I wish I could take her from this place, I could make her happy. I see their big Japanese style house up ahead and I burst into a full sprint full of excitement just from the thought of seeing Yunna I knock on the door waiting for Yunnas mom to answer but to my surprise Yunna opens the door smiling bright still wearing her favorite night gown but its all dirty like it hasn't been washed and got red all over it, like a blood splatter but I know she paints so I think nothing of it. I smile back at her warmly.
"Hi Yunna!! Happy birthday!!" I throw my arms around her in a hug. She feels like she's lost a lot of weight.
"Hi Mikey!!! I'll go get dressed and be right back!!" She runs off to go get dressed while I wait outside of her front door.
She comes back about 15 minutes later wearing A black skirt that goes half way down her thighs and a pink hoodie with a red ribbon in her hair. She's so pretty, I could never say that to her though.
"You ready to go Mikey?" She smiles sweetly at me,
"Don't you have to ask your mom?" I questioned, confused why I haven't heard the raspy yells of her mother.
"I won't have to ask to come over again," just just smiles so brightly that it brushes any ill feelings I had away.
"Then lets go!" I turn to leave and she tugs my sleeve,
"Mikey can I hold your hand.." her smile weakens with pleading eyes.
"Of coarse!" I grab her hand interlocking our fingers then running pulling her behind me. I run faster and faster as we both yell and laugh. We were in bliss.
Soon we make it back to my house. Its an old run down row home painted a dingy yellow. We walk in and no ones home so we just hop on the couch and I flick on her favorite anime, Future Diary. I never payed enough attention to know what its about but she loves the show so I try to watch. Its about a girl who's a 'yandere' which I guess means she will basically kill just to be with the main character. Imagine if a girl liked me that much. I just chuckle,
"You okay Mikey?" I look her in the eye and nod,
"I love ya Yunna." With this she smiles wide and blushes, shes so cute. She then flings herself on me and hugs me. With her face buried in my shirt she mumbles to me,
"I love you too" she squeals and giggles and it tickles my stomach.
I want this forever.


Yunna's POV
(Present day)

Mikey drops to his knees tears welling up in his eyes. No no no what did I do why did I say all of that!?
"Yunna.." he starts crying with me in his arms I try to hug him to comfort him but my arms and legs are cuffed.
"Please d-don't cry Mikey.."
"How can I not.. you keep killing everyone around me.. if you wouldve just told me how you felt I could be with you.. if you wouldve asked for my help you wouldn't have had to kill your parents.. it's all my fault that this is happening to you.. I'm sorry Yunna.." At this point my Mikey is sobbing. All I wanna do is comfort him but he doesn't trust me. I'd let him kill me just to hug him one more time.
"Please Mikey I don't care what you do with me just please un-cuff my hands.. I want to hug you one last time.." he looks to the side and looks like he's at war with himself. Why can't I just know his thoughts..
The door behinds me slams open.
"Mike thank god your okay," John. Why didn't I fucking end him.
"Jesus fuck John.." Mike gasps, "what the hell happened to you face?"
"Why don't you ask the demon spawn in your arms. Every officer in town is dead. Every. Damn. One." I see Mikes face shift to a face of horror as he looks down at me.
"What the hell are you.." Mikey looks disgusted, "I was actually going to trust you too."
"No no no Mikey don't listen to him please you were gonna take my cuffs off so I could hug you please!!" I plead as hard as I can but its no use. Mike gets to his feet and drops me to the hard hospital floor and I land on my cuffed hands which causes me to cry out as one of my wrists breaks. I roll to my side as my wrists bleed and I cry. Its all Johns fault. That damn pig.

Michael's POV

I hear one of her wrists shatter as she hits the ground and the pain in her crys are almost to much to handle. But I can't trust her. Especially with only one police officer left. She's insane.
"What are we gonna do with her sir?" I ask John but he looks like hes at just as big a loss as me.
"She killed every cop. She's killed civilians. If she was an adult it would be death row," Yunna stiffens it the mention of death row, "no juvy can hold her and no asylum will accept her. There's only one thing we can do." He puts his hand on my shoulder. This was it. He wanted to kill Yunna. But its our only option right?
"Help Yunna to her knees kid." I walk forward and help her up.
"Mikey please I'm b-begging please don't do this all I wanted was to love you I p-promise I wont hurt anyone again," she pleaded hard with me and something inside me can't do this.
"Shut up bitch." John interrupts my thoughts and kick Yunna in the stomach causing her to spit blood. I grit my teeth holding back the anger building inside. Just then John pulls his gun out and sets it against Yunnas forehead,
"Goodbye Yunna."

Love Can KillTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon