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Mike's POV

The sound of rain drowns everything out.
I don't know why it happened but there's nothing I can do. Everything, everyone I loved is gone. The truck hits hits a pot hole making me fall to the floor. I stare at my shackles and break. My life is over. She's gone...

The day before...

"I love you Mikey,"

"I love you too Yunna."

With that we stand to our feet, walking out of my house. I can't be here anymore and I to get Yunna out of here. I know where we need to go. I drag Yunna by her hand to the car I had previously stolen. I slowly pull away from the house slowly finally feel somewhat calm. Yunna is cluched to my hand still shaking from what happened. I thought nothing could hurt her. I only have one plan now, run. Me and Yunna need to leave this wretched place. Eventually she falls asleep in the passenger seat so I slow down to make sure I don't wake her. I don't know if I'll ever be able to comprehend everything that has happened in this week, every one I was close to besides Yunna is dead. My head begins spinning but I feel no remorse for those who have fallen. Am I evil for that? Or am I just broken?


A few hours of driving later I begin to feel restless so I pull over to stretch my legs. I stop at a cliff with a small over look that allows you to see the whole city. I'm gonna miss my home, and everything I'm leaving behind but she's worth it as long as Yunna is with me I can do anything.


I hear Yunna step out of the car and yawn quietly. I walk to her quickly to hug her.

"Are you okay Yunna?"

"I'm okay just tired.." Yunna looks at her feet and starts crying, "why do these things always happen to me Mikey? Why does everyone think I'm just some toy?"

I couldn't respond. Instead I just kissed her. When she kissed me back I could feel all of her pain in the kiss. She was just a terrified little girl.

Yunna's POV

When Mike kissed me I could feel the death inside me fade away. I wanted to claw my vagina out. I could feel where he was in me. I could feel the pricks cum in me and I felt disgusting. But when Mikey kissed me every seemed to fade for a moment. That's how it's always been. When my darling Mikey wasn't around the screams would echo through every wall. I would hear the voice of demons chanting around me calling, "WE NEED BLOOD." But as soon as I saw Mikey every scream would stop all I could hear was him. It was pure bliss. Me and Mikey walk to the cliff and stare over the city.

"This is it huh darling? No more Bogota?" I ask Mike feeling almost sad.

"I guess so, I can't stand it here anymore anyways."

At that moment we here an engine in the distance and an almost flapping noise, I stand on the fence to attempt to get a better look. I see something black then I hear Mikey scream,



I feel a sting in my shoulder and look at the source of the noise, a Black Helicopter with a man on the side pointing a large gun directly at me. I look at my shoulder and hear Mikey scream. My arms gone.


I feel I sting in my forehead as a loud ringing over comes all the sound in the world. Everything starts going grey and staticky as I see Mike run up to me crying. I see his mouth move but I can't hear what he's saying, I can't respond, I can't move, I can't even move my eyes to look at him. This is it. I'm dead. With that everything goes cold as I see every moment from my birth to now. Then black. In the blackness I see an even more black object walking to me, it appears to be a man in a black robe. When he reaches me he holds his hand to me and I see he has no skin or muscle, only bones. This is death. I grab his hand and he leads me beyond the earthly realm. Thank you Mike I love you....

Mike's POV

I scream. Over and over. Nothing, she's dead. No movement. My purpose is gone. Within minutes the police have me surrounded and one tackles me and arrested me. I didn't resist. This is my end. They throw me in the back of a truck after shackling me. There taking me somewhere.

Present Day

I feel the truck stop as one of the men on the back door and drag me into the building to an interrogation room as they proceed to strap me to the chair.

"What happened to the officer's in Bogota?" The first officer looks me dead in the eyes and asks.

"Dead. All dead. All killed by Yunna besides Oakwood. He was murdered by old friend Tyler right before he shot himself." The officers look spooked for some reason.

"Mike is it? Well Mike... Why after all of this did you decide to help the suspect Yunna?"

"I had nothing and no one left but her and that was the only way to keep everyone safe." I loved her is what I really wanted to say but I can't. The government never helped Yunna the poor girl who was raped by every man she knew, beaten and starved by her parents.

"Mike do you realize you have shown no empathy for a word that has been said?" I begin laughing. Not from happiness, but anger. I begin slamming my head on the table over and over and over as the officers try to stop me until everything goes black. Everything is over.


"Oh sweetheart I love what you've done with your hair !" I say in awe of my wife.. Yunna Adair.

"I did! I'm so happy you noticed darling!" I laugh with my lovely wife then kiss her gently.

Officer's POV

"I love you Yunna." The kid says to the body of the cat given to him as a pet last week as he kisses it. It's fucked up to watch. He slaughtered the animal with no remorse stomping its head over and over. As soon as he stopped he began to think the dead cat was Yunna. The kids broken from that bitch.

"Someone grab me my smokes from the office please!" I call back.

"Yes officer oakwood!"

So many people tried to kill me even you kid. I'm not sure how the bullet didn't kill me but I'm glad I can make sure your safer that way. The bullet blew off my left eyes socket completely but thank whatever god is out there it wasn't fatal.

"Alright kid I'm coming in to take the cor- I mean Yunna!" I gently grab the dead cat. It's head has been crushed. As soon as I pick it up Mike begins to scream. And charge at me I slam the door shut and lock him in then set the corpse aside. I look in the room to a screaming and crying Mike. He keeps calling for his Yunna back. I'm sorry kid I should've killed her when I had my chance. This is you now and it's my fault...

No one can fix you anymore...

Goodbye Kid.

The End

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