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"No. No! NO! KUROSAKI, YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO MY ORIHIME!" Ishida grabbed the bloody dagger off of the floor and attacked Ichigo with all that he had.


"Do yo know what its like to lose someone that you love Rukia? DO YOU?! ITS A PAIN IN THE ASS AND BECAUSE OF THIS BASTARD, MY LOVE IS GONE FOR GOOD! I don't care if that love was one sided, all that mattered was that I was happy," he started to cry uncontrollably for almost ten minutes as we all stood there in silence and awkwardness until he suddenly stopped.

"If I can't be with her on earth, I'll be with her IN HELL!" Is had a then stabbed his throat just like the way that Orihime did to herself.

"What the hell is this?! Are we really just gonna kill ourselves like this just because someone else did?!" Chad was infuriated as he spoke to us this angrily for the first time, "Look at how much blood was shed over stupidity and hatred. You guys better not get any ideas or else in order to stop you, I will do anything, and I mean ANYTHING to stop you!" He took up their bodies and laid them next to each other in the apartment and walked off into the distance.

Tatsuki was frozen in shock ever since the moment Orihime had killed her self and finally lost it. She ran to her apartment, which was not far from where they were, screaming and crying her head off. A tear rolled down my face as Ichigo and I went home together, hand in hand.

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