Chapter 3: Blue

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   "I-is she... Alright?" Murdoc asked in a confused voice. You nodded that Syd was fine; it would be somewhat of a long story to explain at this point in time and you weren't sure if it was even your story to tell. "Yeah, she's just a HUGE fan of Gorillaz, I guess you could say." You answered somewhat vaguely, walking over to the small fridge in the corner of the camper and wrapping a bag of possibly expired frozen peas in a hand towel. The news of Syd being a fan seemed to be enough for Murdoc and he seemed to puff his chest out a bit as he watched you wet up several paper towels.

   "C'mere." you ordered in a kind voice, patting the bed in front of you Murdoc stumbled over and sat down as you gently pried his blood covered hand away from his face. You winced at the mess beneath it and Murdoc chuckled; " This ain't hardly anything, birdie. I've had my block knocked in maaaany a time before!" he chuckled. You smiled at him and then gently began to wipe off all of the blood from his face with the paper towels. Then you took a bit of alcohol pads that you kept in your face and cleaned the minor scrapes that were on Murdoc's face before covering them up with bandaids.

   "You don't seem to talk half as much as your friend does." Murdoc observed as you helped fix his face up the best you could. You felt ypur face flush in embarrassment. "O-oh! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to come off as rude or anything;  just usually quiet and-" "Don't worry about it, birdie. O was just saying..." the green man assured you with a teasing twinkle in his eye. He flashed a grin at you and you noticed how oddly sharp his teeth were. You grinned back and then stuffed some rolled up tissue in his nostrils to soak up the blood. Finally, you gave him the cold compress, which he promptly placed onto his bent up nose bridge.

   You heard a stir on the floor beside you "Seems like Syd is finally coming to again!" you exclaimed happily. Slowly Sydney sat up, and upon seeing Murdoc Niccals sitting less than four feet away from her again, she shrieked like a fangirl. Out of nowhere, the door to the Winnebago was forcefully ripped open and a heavyset African-American man with an annoyed expression on his face peeked into the vehicle.

   "What the hell is all this bullshit, Murdoc?!" Russel yelled at the green man who loomed like he regretted even being there at that moment. At the sight of Russel Hobbs, Sydney passed put again, and you were just so shocked and excited, you didn't know what to do with yourself. So you just stood there, grinning. "What's it look like, Russ?" Murdoc retorted sarcastically. "I got into a bit of a... Conflict... at the old watering hole, and these two young ladies are uh... Hiw d'you say... Helping me clean up." Murdoc explained coyly.

   An even more agitated expression spread across Russ's face. "Yeah I bet they are. What the hell did I tell you about going out on benders when we're on tour, Murdoc?" The question was met with a pouty silence from the green bassist. "I'll refresh your memory; I told you not to fucking do it. Now, what did I tell you about bringing groupies and passed-out girls into this here Winnebago?" there was a long pause of silence before it seemed like a light switched on in Murdoc's head. "If I remember correctly- you told me to refrain from doing so!" he answered.

   The drummer of Gorillaz nodded at Murdoc's answer. "That is exactly what I told you- besides, these girls look way too young for your ass anyways!" Russ told him in disgust. "U-um actually, Mr. Hobbs, sir, my friend and I actually did come here to help Mr. Murdoc bandage up his wounds, not to umm...sleep with him." you interject shyly. " He helped save me from a pervert in the nightclub and he ended up getting beaten pretty badly." you explain. "I didn't get beat up that badly. The other guy got pretty hurt, too. " Murdoc mumbled in embarrassment.

   Russel looked at Murdoc, then ypu, than down at Syd who was awake again and just sitting on the floor. "Well that's a first for Murdoc- helping someone other than himself." Russ stated, walking out of the camper. You could tell by his voice that he probably didn't entirely believe that Murdoc had good intentions, which was probably fair. " Our concert's gonna be in three days and you're gonna be all bruised up, looking like shit." Russ grumbled, shaking his head.

   "I can do his makeup so he looks normal on stage!" you blurted out. You don't know why you offered, exactly. Granted, you were really good at covering up you and Syd's bruises with makeup for school back when the two of you lived with the Tate family, and you did graduate from beauty school a few months back, so you were technically certified, but...You weren't a well known or super-experienced make up artist, yet. It was probably very presumptuous of you to just blurt out into Russel and Murdoc's conversation like that.

   "Sure, ok you're hired, as long as he doesn't look like shit by the time he has to get on stage." Russel answered, slightly smiling at you. You stood, shocked that you had been hired just that easily. "WAIT! I feel like we all haven't been properly introduced, yet! Sydney piped up from her place on the floor. "My name is Sydney Pot, and the girl you hired as your new makeup artist is Y/N. It's an honor to meet the both of you!" Sydney gushed.

   Russel and Murdoc froze the second they heard Syd's full name. "I'm sorry, babygirl, but did you just say your last name was Pot? As in P-O-T? " Russel asked cautiously. Sydney slowly nodded her head 'yes', and Murdoc and Russel shot each other a glance. "She does look awful familiar, 'specially with all that blue hair, doesn't she?" Murdoc murmured to Russel. Russ nodded and the two went back to staring at Syd. "It gets more uncanny the more I look at her. You don't think 'D ... Nah, it's gotta be..." Russel whispered.

   "You know what? Change of plans. If the two of you haven't checked in anywhere for the night, well set the two of you up with a suite at the hotel we're staying at. How's that sound?" Russ offered in a friendly voice. Syd and I looked at each other before nodding in agreement "Ok,sure, thanks!" we both exclaimed in gratitude. The two of us walked back to our car and followed Russ and the Winnebago to the hotel they were currently staying at. Grabbing our suitcase that held all of pur clothes and hygiene products in it, the two of us followed Russ and Murdoc into the breathtakingly beautiful hotel lobby as Russ checked the two of you into a suite like he promised.

   "OMG thank you guys SO much!" You gushed for about the fiftieth time that night as you followed Russ and Murdoc up to your room. "No problem, girls!" Russ answered sincerely. "Feel free to help yourselves to anything you want in here- my treat. We'll have to have a talk with the rest of the band in the morning, though, if that's ok with y'all." Russ said. "Sure, sounds like a plan!" the two of you exclaimed. Russ smiled gently at the two of you and gave a quick glance at Syd's blue hair one last time. "Oh, and one more thing, girls; make sure you keep the door locked so certain perverts don't come in." Russ instructed, eyeing Murdoc before walking away.

   The two of you obeyed Russel and locked the door after he left. After several minutes of settling in, you ran a nice, hot bubble bath for yourself while Sydney snuggled onto the bed with a lap-full of snacks from the hotel cabinet and began to watch 'Train To Busan' on the large tv. As you soaked in the tub, you slowly begin to nod off for a moment before you hear the door handle jangling loudly and Sydney quietly freaking out outside of the bathroom.

   You quickly try to wrap yourself in one of the hotel's thick, cloudlike towels before rushing out to see what the matter was. By the time you were decently covered with the towel and put of the bathroom, though, the jangling seemed to stop. You heard a voice that sounded a little bit funny say something that you didn't quite make out, and then Sydney reply before closing the door and welcoming it. You turned the corner to face the door and see your best friend standing straight against the locked door, pale and wide eyed as ever.

   Rushing over to Sydney, you take her face in your hands to console your seemingly shaken friend. "What's the matter? What happened? Who was at the door?" you asked, trying to get an answer. Sydney shook her head and a small, shakey smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "I saw him, y/n! I finally saw my fucking dad... He's in the room next to ours and he got confused as to which room number was his, which is why he was jangling the door knob." Syd turned and looked at you, a starry expression you'd never even seen before danced in her eyes. " Y/n, his hair's as blue as mine!" she said giddily.

   You hugged Syd close to you, feeling nothing but warmth and happiness for your friend emanate from your entire body. "Did he know it was you when you answered the door?" you asked excitedly. Sydney shook her head. " I don't think he did. I had my beanie on over my hair and he didn't really stare at my face took. He seemed tired from a long day of practice or something!" Sydney explained excitedly. "Well" you began reassuringly "we'll definitely meet him tomorrow." you said, not realizing how excited and curious you were to see the man who very well possibly fathered your friend. You gave Sydney a kiss on the top of her blue head before returning to the bathroom and getting dressed into some comfy pjs.

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