Chapter 30.

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T'tebera's shots from across the small harbor had been perfect. The second Balà was not yet turning around to see what had happened to his companion when the second arrow took him in the ear. He was dead before he touched the deck. Apart from the harp like sound of the war bow of the Thiriik no other sound was made. Baalbek and his men boarded the cutter that remained in the water by the ship and moored it to the forecastle and started rowing as powerfully and as silently as they could. Very slowly at first the slender ship glided to the entrance of the small harbor. Sar Tanel and Sar Melek waited until the ship was properly oriented towards the entrance and with regards to the wind to deploy one of the furled fan-shaped sails. Farenn and Terrey stood at the helm while Yïach and Yorn stood at the stern facing back, the tall Erin Luin moved his fingers in the wind smiling and placed his hand on the head of the black,stripped with orange fur of the beast. Limero was dragging the bodies to the rail but T'tebera stopped him from tossing them into the sea.

"Do it later." She said. "The bodies wont wash near the harbor and their friends will not know the reason for the departure of their ship."

Limero covered the bodies with a tarp silently while the Ferollian hoisted the cutter aboard. A strong wind had risen that pushed them up the Wide Sea.

"We should reach the cape of Lott early this evening." Sar Melek said from the helm. "The Isle of Forts is situated directly opposite and so is Raab, I suggest we berth there for the night and equip ourselves for the trip to the cold seas. Once we have past the Minkhi, there may still be floating ice and once we have left the Round Bay behind ourselves these are uncharted waters."

"Agreed." Baalbek said. "We need enough food and water to sustain ourselves for several weeks. But is Raab safe enough? It is on the road from Taleb, isn't it?"

"We shall see from far enough if the city of men has burned or not. I don't believe that the sisters from the Isle would have left it unprotected."

"Is it not possible for us to replenish in one of the harbors of the Isle of Forts, given the particular circumstances?"

"If I was to berth in one of the hidden harbors you'd be dead even before I'd moored. No man, under any circumstance may enter the Isle of Forts." Sar Melek said with some casual finality.

"What if you are attacked next? What if Ziom or Feroll with whom you have never had any quarrel offers to assist you in your fight?"

"We stand strong on our island and need no man. Do not concern yourself Ferollian, The Isle of Forts is not at risk."

As the sun was setting they entered the fast waters surrounding the Isle of Forts and saw the lower most cape and its forbidding fortress. Soon the Long Cliff Coast appeared and the buildings of Raab, the city of men appeared on top of them. They were intact and the white columns of smoke rising above it were the signs of cooking fires in average homes, not of a war stricken town. The chain at the entrance of the cove was lowered for them and they berthed quickly. The Thiriik were the only one to leave the ship and they soon came back followed by a train of wheelbarrows that went up the plank to unload their goods onto the deck of the Fast-Sail.

Sar Melek came back looking somber.

"A large Balà fleet was seen sailing up four days ago, it is now in Mel's harbor and the city has fallen into the hands of the Natabs of Veviensis. Raab is almost empty, they all went to try and protect the refugees from Taleb in the Flats and help them cross the Ignos into Ziom." She told them as they gathered at the stern while the laborers kept delivering the barrels of water and the bales of food.

"You will not like this Ferollian, a second army has attacked the cities of the disputed lands where you stroke peace. The Gashite towns are taken and the one you call Si-Napel is besieged."

Our Little Gods 1: RABATEA, the first World of the Daughters.Where stories live. Discover now