•𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡•

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After a long day of avoiding questions, I rushed towards my car as fast as humanly possible.

I was a woman on a mission- I had to go grocery shopping since my refrigerator was empty.

I quickly drove to the nearby grocery store and rushed out of the car, walking inside.

I had a vague idea of what I wanted- my Italian family cooked some traditional dishes just for me so I decided to recreate them- how hard could it be? Even though they wouldn't taste as good, I would have a piece of home here with me.

As I stood in the pasta aisle, comparing different types of pasta, once again I felt someone looking at me.

I looked up to meet yet another pair of golden eyes. A beautiful woman with soft features and a motherly aura around her was looking at me and smiling slightly.

I returned the smile and went back to choosing my next meal.
Why was half of the population of this town suddenly so interested in me?

"Hello" I heard a warm voice next to me and I almost jumped out of my skin, turning around and placing a hand over my chest to calm my racing heart.

She laughed softly. "Sorry for scaring you. I'm Esme Cullen."

I smiled at her. "Luna. Nice to meet you"

"How are you finding Forks? My children told me a bit about you, it must be a big change from the warm Italian weather"

I laughed at that. "A change indeed. I don't mind though. I missed America."

I didn't actually miss it all that much, I considered Italy my home and knew I would soon go back and stay there forever- literally.

We walked around the store and talked while finishing up our shopping. Soon Esme wrapped up her shopping trip and headed for the register.

I waited for her to leave before going to check out- I couldn't risk her seeing my credit card and asking even more questions.


We all stood by the door impatiently as we waited for Esme to come back, curious to know how her meeting with Luna went.

Despite merely knowing her for a few days, we all felt drawn to her and wanted to know more about the mysterious, raven haired beauty, who seemed to be more like us than the rest of the human population of Forks.

Esme arrived a few minutes after four in the evening. Alice, ever so energetic, immediately started quizzing her on how the meeting went.

"She seems like a sweet girl. But it looks like she's also keeping people at an arms length." Esme finally said.

In her mind, I saw that Luna still looked tired, which worried me greatly.

"Did you find out anything of value?" Asked Rosalie, still suspicious.

I didn't blame her for her suspicions- a newcomer in the middle of the year was unusual, let alone one behaving seemingly more like a vampire than a human.

"Sadly, no. She said she came here because she missed America. Although she didn't seem too upset about it."

I nodded at that. Luna did seem pretty neutral about coming here.

We decided to keep an eye on the girl. She seemed to stand out among the crowd, like we did, just for different reasons.

While we were labeled freaks, the girl seemed perfect.

Too perfect.

She quickly became the talk of the town, though she probably did not realize it.

Everyone was bound to be curious about the girl who came out of nowhere and did not socialize much.


I sat in my car for a while before driving home.

I was exhausted and would probably be out cold as soon as I finished dinner. I quickly got to cooking while doing my homework at the same time, planning on going to sleep as soon as I was done with the last page of calculus.

As soon as I finished dinner, my phone rang. I glanced at the caller ID to see Heidi's name.

"I swear you're psychic. I finished my dinner literally ten seconds ago" I greeted her, putting the phone between my ear and my shoulder.

I heard a few laughs from the other side.

"How is our favorite moon girl?" She teased.

"She is exhausted and about to fall asleep standing." Heidi laughed and hung up.

I stared at my phone in confusion.

A few seconds later my screen lit up with an incoming FaceTime call from her. I picked up and laughed at her expression.

"You look like death" was the first statement coming out of her lips.

"Well, technically, if we're about to go into details, I'm not the dead one here. You've got to wait two more years for that" I joked, hearing several laughs in the background.

"Nice dress. And your face actually looks presentable" joked Jane as her face finally appeared on my screen.

Of course, how could she say I looked bad while wearing her clothes and doing my make up the same way she always does?

"Learned from the best" I laughed.

"So, how are things with our favorite coven?" Asked Aro, grabbing the phone out of Heidi's hand, making her let out a growl of protest.

"I met Esme at the store. They all seem a bit suspicious but nothing I can't handle." I shrugged, grinning amusedly at the exchange between him and Heidi.

He nodded at that.

"Oh, also, expect a call from your parents tomorrow. They went on a short getaway and are planning to get back tomorrow," interjected Sulpicia, looking over Aro's shoulder.

I nodded, yawning.

"Okay, bed time for the human!" Declared Jane with finality in her voice, as her small hand appeared over the screen for a second, grabbing the device from Aro.

"I guess so", I replied as another yawn escaped my lips.

After saying my goodbyes, I took a quick bath and sat on the couch to read for a bit before going to sleep.

I dozed off with the book in my hand, halfway through the first chapter.

𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔱- 𝑽𝔬𝔩𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔯𝔞 [𝔱𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱]Where stories live. Discover now