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Hello! It's been seven months since I updated and I just wanted to reassure you that the book will be continued. I'm editing the previous chapters at the moment as well as writing a few chapters about Luna's life in Volterra before she arrived in Forks.
I also realized that I made her friendship with our favorite vampires really superficial, which was not the goal at all. I tried to make the book light- hearted and fun to read but let's face it, I failed.

As you probably noticed, I've edited one chapter and things in the next one may not make sense. In the coming months I will be going through them and trying to catch the plot holes and change things so they fit the direction I want to take the story in. I hope you're enjoying this version of the book anyway. I will mark the edited and new chapters so you can go back and reread if you'd like.

On another note, as of today the book has 90k reads. I wanted to thank every single one of you for choosing to read it. The teenage me that started writing the very first chapters would not believe that it got a thousand reads, let alone ninety. Thank you for every single vote and comment.

See you soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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