chapter two

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"So, you're saying you can't read her mind?"

Saiki had bitten the bullet and asked both Aiura and Toritsuka to meet him at Café Mami after school. Aiura had been elated, thinking it was some kind of date. But, when she arrived and saw that Toritsuka was there as well she rightfully deflated and had been picking at her piece of cake blankly since they arrived. Toritsuka, so far, was the only active participant of the conversation.

"Yes," Saiki said. "I don't know if she also has supernatural powers, or if it's another thing altogether. I kept a close eye on her all day at school, and she didn't do anything out of the ordinary." Well, nothing out of the ordinary besides willingly talking to Nendou. She had actually initiated the conversation with him, which Saiki had found very odd indeed. Most people think Nendou is a delinquent upon first meeting him, but they continue to keep their distance when they find out he's just extraordinarily dumb and supernaturally ugly.

Toritsuka clapped his hands together excitedly. "Alright!" he said. "So, what you're saying is you require our own out-of-this-world supernatural abilities to figure her out? We're getting the gang back together!"

"There is no gang to get back together," Saiki said flatly.

"That's not what someone who needs our help would say," Aiura said coyly, straightening up and leaning in. "I guess if there is no Psychic Kids group, then there's nothing we can do to help you. Come on, Toritsuka." She moved to leave, and Toritsuka did the same. Saiki sighed inwardly. He'd appreciate having other supernaturally gifted people around if only they weren't these two.

"Fine," he said. "We're getting the gang back together."

"Yes!" Toritsuka shouted, pumping his fist into the air. Aiura clapped her hands together gleefully and sat back down.

"Alright, so what should we do?" Aiura asked. "Want me to look into her future and see if there's anything funky?" She was already pulling her bedazzled crystal ball out of her bag.

"Whatever you two can think of would be helpful," Saiki said. "I just want to know if she's going to be a problem." He felt particularly useless in this Psychic Kids adventure with his inability to look into Bell's mind. He could use his clairvoyance to spy on her, but without being sure that there was anything wrong with her, it just felt creepy. Like something Toritsuka would do.

"I'll get some ghosts to go spy on her," Toritsuka said, his innocent eyes offsetting the creepy smile on his face. Yeah, it was exactly something Toritsuka would do.

"Just don't do anything weird," Saiki told him, a slight frown on his face.

"When have I ever done anything weird in my life?" Toritsuka asked. Aiura stopped fiddling with her crystal ball and joined Saiki in giving Toritsuka a blank stare. He looked between the two of them for a moment. Saiki was dismayed to see that in his mind, he was genuinely confused.

"Let's just move on," Saiki said. "Aiura, can you see anything in your crystal ball?"

"Let's see here," Aiura said, beginning one of her nonsensical rituals. First she took her cup of tea and started pouring it on her crystal ball, moving the cup in slow, circular motions as the tea cascaded onto the cool ball, causing steam to rise up. Then, she started speaking what Saiki could only assume to be gibberish, moving her hand in vague motions around the ball. Finally, she reached across the table and yanked out a clump of Toritsuka's hair, sprinkling it over the ball. He held his head in pain and started swearing at her, but she didn't pay him any mind.

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