chapter one

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"I can see the value of you spending some time in Japan," Via's father said as he looked over the pamphlet that had been handed to him. "But a full year seems excessive." Via was sitting across from her parents at the dining room table, keeping her head low but her eyes on him. She had learned over the years that her father's major ego complex led to him being more receptive to signs of submission. It was an absolutely messed up thing for a daughter to have to do in order to receive things from her father, but her family had "absolutely messed up" down to a science.

"I know it seems like a long time," Via said. "But my betrothal will have me living in Japan eventually, anyways. If I become accustomed to their culture sooner rather than later, it will save us all from much trouble in the long run." It was silent for a few minutes as he read over the pamphlet. Her mother, as always, was quiet and stoic as a grave. She had no opinions one way or the other, as far as her husband was concerned. But Via could hear her thoughts, and she knew her mind well enough to not have to delve into it for answers. Her mother wanted her to stay here, safe with her, now and forever. Via's lifelong betrothal was a sore subject for her, and for Via to be actively working to make sure things went smoothly was painful beyond all comprehension. Via desperately wanted to let her in on the secret, but she knew if she did her father would be able to get it out of her. So, she kept mum and kept her mom out of it.

"You'd be attending a regular private academy," her father spoke up finally. "You'd wouldn't be receiving the same level of education you are now from your tutors." Via lowered her eyes, trying to keep him from seeing the frustration in them. He knew damn well she didn't need a tutor; that she had never needed any kind of tutor. She wanted to berate him for even suggesting she needed any type of education.

"I can keep up with my studies on my own time," she said, rather than lashing out. She needed to keep her cool now more than ever. "I'm sure my school grades will reflect that." Her father grunted.

"Very well," he said. Via held still, even though every particle of her being wanted to jump for joy. Not only could she pursue her goal, but she'd be away from the hell she called home for a full year.

"Thank you," Via said quietly. "You won't regret it." She was excused from the table to go and fill out the paperwork. She held her excitement in until she was safely in her room with the door shut behind her. Free from her parents' prying eyes, she finally hugged the pamphlet to her chest and leaned against the wall, dipping her head down. Of course, her intentions for going to Japan weren't to one day please her husband with her cultural knowledge. No, she'd never sink so low; that was just her excuse. She was going to Japan because of a prophetic dream she had, which would sound completely unhinged to anyone who wasn't her.

Her name was Via Bell, heiress to the Bell Corporation and one of the most valuable people in the world.

And she was a psychic.

Until a few weeks ago, she thought she was the only person in the world with abilities like this. Then she had a dream that told her she wasn't the only one. There was another all-powerful psychic in the world, and they were living in Japan. Twenty-one days and one great excuse later, she finally had the opportunity to meet them.


Good grief. Time for another transfer student already?

The class was alight yet again with the news of a new transfer student. Saiki had to wonder if the introduction of a new student at the beginning of every fall semester was a side effect of his global mind control. Perhaps since it had happened the first time, the universe felt a need to fill in that blank with a new student every time. His mind had extraordinarily little space for waxing philosophical, though, since it was filled with the thoughts of the other students as they wondered about the new kid.

I heard she's here on a transfer program from America!

I wonder if she'll know any Japanese at all.

I hope she's hot. I mean, no one is as attractive as Teruhashi, but I still hope she's hot.

Saiki fought the urge to roll his eyes. An American transferring to a Japanese school for no good reason? This must be a shitty fanfiction after all.

The class settled as the teacher walked in, silence falling over them all much faster than usual. He went over the usually spiel about the arrival of a new student, and that he expected everyone to welcome her with open arms and all that good stuff. Finally, he opened the door, and in she came. She had fair skin and ginger hair that reached all the way down her back. What Saiki took note of the most was her eyes. They were a piercing shade of blue, and they scanned the room with an almost frightening intelligence behind them. He attempted to focus in on her mind to see what kind of demented thoughts this transfer student could be thinking, but he was shocked to hear nothing at all.

Had Nendou met his match in terms of stupidity? No, that couldn't be it. No one in the world could be as exceedingly dull as Nendou, Saiki was sure of it. But then what could it be?

"Hi," the new girl said as she wrote her name on the board. "My name is Via Bell, although here I think you'd order it as Bell Via. I transferred here from America, and I'm really excited to learn about Japanese culture, as well as get to know you guys." She turned and flashed a bright smile to the room. She was obviously no match for Teruhashi, who had mastered beauty on an almost supernatural level, but there were still some murmurs about her across the room. The teacher excused her to take her seat, and she took the only empty seat in the ever-expanding classroom. It was right behind Kobuyasu, whom she gave a small smile before taking her seat.

Saiki had a hard time not turning to look at her. He wasn't enthralled by her like the rest of the class, but he still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that he couldn't read her mind. Did she have supernatural powers as well? Or worse, did she have a telepathy blocker? Dear God, did his brother plant her here?

Both options were not entirely unrealistic and very annoying to Saiki. He didn't think he could bear to add another member to the "Psychic Kids," the group Aiura and Toritsuska had thrown him into unwillingly. If she was here because of his brother, then that meant Kusuke was up to something, and that was generally bad news all around.

He sat back in his chair and tried to focus on the lesson the teacher had started. There was nothing he could do now, but he might have to call a meeting of the dreaded Psychic Kids to figure out what the hell was going on.

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