Chapter 0: Yasuda Runa: Origin

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Yasuda Runa is sleeping peacefully in her room as the light seeps in, through the large window, past her pink curtains, and into her soft face. Runa yawns as she sleepily rubs her eyes, dissipating any remaining tirdness that she may have. A tall man with midnight blue hair and ocean blue eyes walks into her room, kissing the small girl's forehead, the stubble on his chin tickling her. "Rise and shine, it's morning sunshine~! Daddy has a surprise for you sweet pea!" Runa gets up out of bed quickly, "What's the surprise?" She asks looking up at the tall man. "Well, I pulled a few strings, and was able to get us tickets to Nuka World! Get dressed and help mommy with breakfast, alright, sweet pea?" Runa nods excitedly, "Okie dokie!" The man leaves the small girl's room, so that she can change clothes. She throws on an offwhite long sleeved shirt, a light blue jumper, dark blue leggings, and white socks.

Runa quickly runs down the stairs and to the kitchen, ready to help her mother cool breakfast. "Mommy! What's for breakfast?" She inquires, looking at the ingredients on the countertop. The silver haired woman chuckles, "Pancakes! Can you put a cup of flour in the bowl for me?" Runa smiles happily, "Of course mommy!" She takes the measuring cup and levels a cup of flour into the metal bowl. "Now what?" She asks, looking at the older woman. "One and a half teaspoons of baking powder." Runa nods, doing as she's told.

The pair mixes the ingredients up before adding milk, butter, and an egg. Stirring until all the lumps are gone. "Runa dear, can you go set the table?" Runa smiles brightly, "Okie dokie!!" She scrambles to get the plates and silverware, placing it down on the table, folding the napkins and setting them next to the plates and getting three glasses for them to drink from. Yori, Runa's mother takes the pancakes and sets three on top of each plate, placing the syrup in the center of the table. The three sit down at the table.

"Itadakimasu!" The family says in unison before digging into their food. "So, how did you get the tickets to Nuka World, daddy?" The man chuckles, "How? I am Atom-a-Man! The numer 3 hero!" He makes his voice deeper, imitating a certain number 1 hero, Runa giggles happily, "You're so silly daddy!" She then puts her finger on her chin, thinking, "But Mr. All Might is the number 2 hero.. Mommy and daddy are the number 1 heroes!!" Runa smiles brightly as her mother chuckles softly, "Runa, mommy isn't even a pro hero." The ten year old girl tilts her head to the side, "I know that, but, you're my hero!" The woman blushes bashfully, taken aback by her daughter's comment. "Ah, well, let's go put the dishes in the sink, alright baby?" Runa nods enthusiastically, collecting the dishes and scurrying into the kitchen to put them in the sink. She turns on the water and adds soap, letting the dishes soak. "Okie! Lets go, lets go, lets go!" She says excitedly, rushing to the door and putting on her red rain boots. Her parents chuckle to themselves at her antics and slip on their shoes before opening the door and getting in the car.


The small family of three walk up to the ticket attendant. "Ticket plea-" he looks up at the family, "You're Atom-a-Man! I can't believe It's actually you! Hey, can you say your catchphrase for me?" The man chuckles, "But of course!" He takes a deep breath, "There is no need to fear, why? Because Atom-a-Man always wins!" Stars form in the boy's eyes as he smiles widely, "Thank you sir! Oh, ticket please!" Runa's father smiles, handing the boy their tickets. "Thank you, go right in."

The three walk through the gate and into the park. Looking around excitedly, a certain rollercoaster catches the small girl's eye. "Mommy! Daddy! Let's go on that one!" She exclaims, pointing to a particularly tall ride. Her parents sweatdrop, "Are you sure you want to ride that one?" Yori asks, somewhat nervously. Runa nods estaticly, grabbing her parents hands and pulling them to the ride, which doesn't yet have a line, perhaps, it's because this ride is not only extremely tall, but also the tallest ride in the entire park.

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