Chapter 10

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I smirked as I saw him, never thought I'd meet the one and only. "Merry Christmas, sir," Lucy greeted walking towards the man. "It certainly is, Lucy, since you've arrived." "Look, I've put up with a lot since we got here, but this..." I know shes scared and trying to be responsible, but she's really starting to get on my nerves with all the complaining. I wish she'd just take a chance to enjoy the moment. "We thought you were the Witch," Peter interrupted. "Yes, yes, sorry about that, but in my defense, I have been driving one of these longer than the Witch." "I thought there was no Christmas in Narnia." "No. Not for a long time. But the hope that you have brought, Your Majesties, is finally starting to weaken the Witch's power." "Father Christmas, has just called us your majesties," I mumbled under my breath. Of course the jolly man heard me and let out a chuckle. He walked closer, "Still, I dare say you could do with these."

He pulled a large sack from his sled and plopped it on the ground, the top opening revealing its contents. Stuffed rabbits and bears, balls and jack in the box. "Presents," Lucy exclaimed excitedly. He chuckled at the small girl and her enthusiasm. He pulled a leather holster from the bag crouching to Lucy. "The juice of the fire-flower. One drop will cure any injury. And though I hope you never have to use it." He handed her a dagger with a lion at the hilt. "Thank you, sir. But, I think I could be brave enough." "I'm sure you could. But battles are ugly affairs."

He turned to Susan, who's eyes were widened at the sight of Father Christmas arming her nine year old sister with a dagger. "Susan. Trust in this bow and it will not easily miss." She traced her fingers over the red feathers and white wood. "What happened to "battles are ugly affairs?"' He chuckled, "Though you don't seem to have a problem making yourself heard, blow on this and wherever you are, help will come." He presented her with a beautiful white horn, a lion engraved on it. "Thanks."

"And Millie, may your aim be as true as your heart is." He pulled out a leather pouch. I unbuckled the strap revealing knives each with a lion's head engraved into the blade. "And for your head, may you ever need to forget." He handed me a bottle similar to Lucy's only its contents a light blue one. "Thank you, sir." "But be careful my child. It only takes a touch to remove memory, and you must be thinking of that event...or person for it to truly erase it." I nodded my head in understanding. Looking down at the bottle, I knew who he meant. But I did not wish his memory away, only wished his peace.

"Peter. The time to use these may be near at hand." He handed him a sword a lion engraved in gold at the hilt and a shield a red lion decorating its front. He drew the sword looking into its shiny blade and its inscribed message. Uncertainty evident on his face. "Thank you, sir." "These are tools, not toys. Bear them well and wisely," he warned looking at each of our faces.

"Now, I must be off. Winter is almost over, and things do pile up when you've been gone a hundred years." He lifted his sack into the sled. "Long live Aslan. And Merry Christmas!" I felt the fire grow more and I smiled. We all bid our farewells to the man as he rode away on his sleigh. Lucy immediately turned to Susan a serious expression on her face, "Told you he was real." I smiled widely. "He said winter was almost over. You know what that means." The smile faded from my face. "The ice."


We arrived at the river to see it all ready melting. This was not good. "We need to cross now," I instructed. "Dont beavers make dams." "I'm not that fast, dear." "Come on." I began to pull Lucy and was about to pull Millie but she was already at my side holding Lucy's other hand. "Wait, will you think about this for a moment?" I watched as Millie rolled her eyes as I finished my own eye roll. "We dont have a minute." I was stressed and frustrated and on the verge of throwing something at my sister. "I'm just trying to be realistic." "No, you're trying to be smart. As usual." I heard Millie stifle a laugh as we made our way to the river. But that stopped when we heard a wolf howl.

We reached the river and heard as the ice crackled. Millie took a cautious step forward, stepping on the ice. As she did the ice moved and I grabbed her waist pulling her back. Lucy grabbed her hand once more eyes begging her not to leave her side again. "Wait. Maybe I should go first." "Maybe you should." We all watched as Mr.Beaver walked across the ice, patting it with his tail earning a few cracks back from the ice. "You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs.Beaver accused. "Well, you never know which meal's gonna be your last. Especially with your cooking." Millie let out another laugh. She always manages to laugh and crack jokes in the worst situations.

We followed him out on to the ice careful of our footsteps. But, the ice still cracked. Why'd she always have to be right? "If Mum knew what we were doing-" "Mums not here." "Oh, no," Lucy yelled. I looked up to see the wolves. "Run." We all ran across the ice but were stopped as we were surrounded by wolves.

One attacked Mr.Beaver. "No!" "Peter!" "Pick on someone your own size!" Maugrim let out an evil chuckle, "Like you?" "I said your size, but sure come at me bro." I stuck my hand out infront of Millie to keep her from going through with her plan. I drew my sword pointing it at him. "Put that down, boy. Someone could get hurt." "Don't worry about me! Run him through!" Mr.Beaver yelled as a wolf continued to hold him by his neck. "Leave now while you can, and your brother goes with you." "Stop, Peter! Maybe we should listen to him." You have got to be joking. "Smart girl." Mr.Beaver yelled at me, "Don't listen to him. Kill him! Kill him now!" "Oh, come on. This isn't your war. All my Queen wants is for you to take your family and go." "Oh you mean the false Queen!" Millie yelled. "Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword, it doesnt make you a hero. Just drop it." "No, Peter. Narnia needs you! Gut him while you have the chance." "What's it gonna be Son of Adam? I won't wait forever."

"Ya know, you used to be my favorite animal." What is she doing? "What happened?" he asked. "I met you." Millie pulled out a dagger and through it into the frozen waterfall. She turned to him he evily chuckled at her foolishness. "Peter!" But, she smirked and waved goodbye to him as the waterfall cracked and I plunged my sword into the ice yelling for everyone to hold on. Susan and Lucy gripped onto my coat, Mrs.Beaver onto Susan, Millie onto me and Lucy, and I onto my sword as the waterfall erupted and we were pushed by its force.

The water pushed us under put soo we were back on the surface, all soaked and gasping for air. I grabbed Lucy's coat, keeping her with me, Susan still clung to me and Millie had a firm hold on the ice and Lucy's hand. We came to shore and climbed up onto it. As I got up I notice that the coat I was holding was not attached to the little girl who once wore it. I turned to Susan who looked at me in horror. "What have you done?" What have I done? "Lucy?" "Lucy?" We all began to shout for her. "Has anyone seen my coat?" I turned seeing her shaking and let out a relieved breath. "Don't you worry, dear. Your brother got you well looked after." She smiled but it quickly faded, "Where's Millie?"

I looked around and didnt see her anywhere. Sh- "When I slipped out of my coat she helped me out of the water. I thought she got out too." My eyes went wide. How could I not have noticed. "Over here," Mr.Beaver yelled. I heard Mrs. Beaver gasped and as I made my way toward them I saw something I hoped I'd never have to see.

She layed on the cold ground. Mr.Beaver having just pulled her out of the icy river. She was soaked, pale. She was motionless and for a moment so was my heart I dropped to my knees bringing her cold body to mine. Susan gasped and held Lucy as tears ran down their faces. She wasn't breathing. Tears pricked my eyes. Mrs.Beaver hugged Mr.Beaver shielding her eyes. "Millie," I whispered. I sat her up a little hugging her body wishing I could share her warmth once more.

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