Chapter 9

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"This is all your fault." An angry Susan stomped toward her older brother. "My fault?" "None of this would have happened if you would have listened to me in the first place," she screamed at him. I think they forgot the part where they were warned to be quiet. "Oh so you knew this would happen." I looked over to Lucy who now stood next to me looking up at the two. "I didnt know what would happen which is why we should have left while we still could." This was getting too far, Lucy shouldn't be watching this but before I could stop it or take her somewhere where she wouldn't have to witness it, the lady did herself. "Stop it!"

They both looked down at their little sister astonished as she raised her voice. "This isn't going to help Edmund." Peter looked between the two of us before Mr.Beaver agreed, "She's right. Only Aslan can help your brother now." "Then take us to him." My head snatched up to look at him not expecting the change.

We were close to the dam. The moon lighting the way for us. We trudged through he snow all stopping as we heard a noise that echoed from all around, a howl.

We ran and ran not bothering to cover our tracks, they'd smell us, and by the time we covered up our scent they would have sunk their teeth into our necks. As we ran I began to question my life choices. A wolf? Why would I- that's questioning best for later. We threw the door to the home open. "Hurry, Mother! They're after us!" "Oh, right then." "What's she doing?" Peter asked frustratedly as Mrs.Beaver began gathering things from the kitchen. "Oh, you'll be thanking me later. It's a long journey and Beaver gets pretty grumpy when he's hungry. Even though there were wolves after us and it was an incredibly frustrating moment I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm cranky now!" He yelled. Susan began helping Mrs.Beaver trying to make it go faster. I sighed and started collecting items two and shoving them in the basket.

"Do you think we'll need jam?" "Only if the witch serves toast." I backed up from the table laughing as Susan and Mrs.Beaver finished. Growls and barks brought my attention back to the current situation. The wolves had begun to dig their way into the home. All their hard work in building this dam. Mr.eaver quickly opened a little wooden door grabbing the rope and descending into the hole. I grabbed Lucy making her go down next then Mrs.Beaver and Susan. I tried to get Peter to go next but he told me to shut up as he pushed me forward towards the rope.

As my feet reached the floor of the tunnel he descended quickly too making sure to close the door. He ushered me forward grabbing my hand tight as to not lose me. Mr.Beaver passed a torch to Peter as we reached them. Mr. Beaver scurried down the tunnel Peter and toe. "Beaver and me dug this. Comes out right near his place." "You told me it led to your mum's." I couldn't help but let out a quiet chuckle. Peter shook his head through all of the chaos and the ends of his mouth curved upwards ever so slightly.

A loud thud was heard as Lucy tripped over one of the roots. We all tuned to her, Susan and I reaching for her hand. Everyone gasped as we heard barks, only these were growing closer. "They're in the tunnel." "Quick! This way." "Hurry!" Peter swiftly turned quickly going forward causing me to stumble, almost causing me to bump into him. "Run!" "Quick! Quick! Quick!" We raced through the tunnel. Peter came to a sudden stop sending me bumping into his side. Out of breath and my legs aching I leaned into him. He wrapped his arm around me allowing me to rest for a moment. "You should have brought a map!" "There was no room next to the jam!" Mr.Beaver climbed out of the tunnel, Mrs.Beaver behind him. I guided Susan and Lucy infront of me and they climbed through the hole to the outside world. Knowing he would just push me forward I made my way through the hole and above the ground, Peter right behind me. The two of us and Mr.Beaver rolled a barrel infront of the hole and turned to see something none of us were expecting to find at the badgers home, him only in stone.

Mr.Beaver slowly walked to his stone friend his wife right next to him comforting him. "I'm so sorry, dear." "He was my best mate." I scowled at the statues. This, this is what we were supposed to fight for. I looked over to Mr.Beavers expression to feel mine soften. I left my place beside Peter and walked to the two pulling them both into a hug. I glanced at Peter a guilty saddened expression on his face. He understood now. Susan however needed a little more persuading. The beavers thanked me as we broke apart, tears swelling in their small dark eyes. I felt guilt pound on my chest. While we had been protected from a war on a peaceful countryside these people had been literally stoned, well turned to stone. I looked around me at all the stone figures and heard Peter let out a jagged breath. I looked over his eyes filled with anger, "What happened here?" "This is what becomes of those who cross the witch," an unfamiliar voice answered.

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