Chapter 5

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"Why didn't you eat anything today?" Zachary started the conversation as we sat down at Chipotle. I ordered a beef burrito with rice, cheese and the meat. Zachary got a chicken burrito with rice, cheese, meat, and some weird topping that I never heard of before. We both got coke zero, but I mixed mine with root beer, and damn does it taste awesome. 

I looked up from my food, realizing that there would be no way to get out of this. I would rather not admit to my boss that I was running late on the first day. I decided to lie, "I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat." Okay, so that was a huge ass lie right there and I think Zachary realized that too. 

He gave me a stern look before saying, "Don't lie to me. Now, why didn't you eat today?" He leaned closer, but I took a bite from my burrito so that I wouldn't have to answer until I finished chewing. He sighed and took a bite of his food, patiently waiting for my reply.

Once I finished chewing I said, "I don't think this is your business. I'm a grown up and I can decide if I choose to eat or not." Although I didn't really have a choice today. I was running late and since I didn't know about hiding the button I was stuck at the office all day. In the car, Zachary gave me a spare key he always keeps in his wallet. Right now, I just need to find a way to answer his question without seeming unprepared. Why does he care so much anyway? I thought I was just his secretary, does he do this with all his secretaries?

He glares at me a little, making me look down and take another bite of my food, before he spoke, "You are my secretary, which makes it my business. I can't have one of my workers not eating because that is extremely unhealthy. Now, I will ask one more time and I demand a straight forward honest answer. Why didn't you eat today?" I take a sip of my mixed drink, suddenly having my throat being parched.

I look into his deep blue eyes and say, "I passed out on the couch the other day and woke up late. I rushed around to get here on time and barely made it. I was going to grab something on my break, but you left and I didn't know we could hide our floor. So, I stayed at the office and was planning to leave after you come from your break. You came back a little after the break was suppose to end, so I was planning to eat when I get home from work." I was going to continue, but thought that it would most likely be pushing the limits of a employer and employee relationship. 

He sighs and looks at me with a concerning look. He stared at me before he said, "Now, why couldn't you just have told me the first time I asked?"

"It would have made me look like a bad employee if I started off my first day coming in late. I didn't want to lose the job so quickly, so I didn't say anything."

"Why didn't you tell me you didn't eat? I would have been fine if you would have just told me. Imagine me finding you passed out on your desk and I wouldn't know what the hell is wrong. I am going to make a new rule for you. You must come to breakfast and lunch with me everyday. I can't have you skipping another meal, so you will eat with me. Come a half an hour earlier to work, so that we may go out. I care about my staff and I will refuse any arguments you have against this."

I stare at him in disbelief. Are you serious? Just because I was late once, I now had to have breakfast and lunch with him now, every single day. I say, "I can do what I want, you can't dictate who I am going to eat my meals with. I don't care if you are my boss or not, you can't control everything in my life."

I abruptly stand up and leave Chipotle. I can't believe him! One fucking day I didn't eat and now he is going awol making up these new ridiculous rules. He is such an overbearing control freak! I walk out and began to walk home, fuming the whole way. I get a little more mad, realizing that I had to walk 13 blocks until I got home. I got a little less mad, but more relieved by wearing such comfortable shoes and for getting out of that situation. I hear a car speed up behind me and I turned to see Zachary and his car gaining on me. I walk faster and turn block after block, taking alleys, until I was able to lose him. Why is he so damn persistent? I know that I have to go into work tomorrow, most likely to get fired, but I just have to keep calm and know what is to come. At least I can focus on work tonight instead of Zachary and our talk today. I am incredibly thankful that I didn't put down my new address.

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