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Brenda squeaked as (Y/n) grabbed her arm, trying to pull her back. Her roommate simply jerked her arm away, scampering down the hall.

"Brenda, no!" (Y/n) whisper shouted. "It's not what you think!"

She wouldn't listen but before she could call out to the others, (Y/n) leaped forward, bringing them both to the floor with a loud thump and an oof from Brenda.


"Who's dying?" Minho shouted, his own footsteps sounding as he hurried towards the hallway. (Y/n) quickly rolled off her friend just as Minho appeared with Thomas and Teresa popping up above and below him a split second later.

"We tripped," (Y/n) said quickly while Brenda said, "Her and Newt-" A hand was promptly slapped over her mouth.

"Oh," Minho said, though he looked suspicious. "Well, dinner's ready."


(Y/n) sat awkwardly at the tiny table with Minho on one side and Newt on the other. She refused to look at either of them, but Minho was constantly shoving his friend behind her, which made her goal difficult, and Newt would respond with either a calm reply or a sharp one. He sometimes sounded almost like a mother scolding her children.

"Come on, (Y/n), you've been dead silent this whole time," Brenda said, reaching over and tapping her hand with the handle of her butter knife.

"That kind of defeats the purpose of socializing," Teresa added. Brenda nudged her and leaned over to whisper something in her ear. (Y/n) had a feeling she knew exactly what it was about.

"Heard you guys playing around on the guitar in there," Brenda said slyly after a moment, looking down at her plate and scraping up the remains. "Want to tell us about that?"

"I offered to teach her how to play," Newt replied instantly, saving (Y/n) from having to. She glanced at him but he wasn't looking at her. "The medical major is stressful. I thought learning to play on her downtime could help." He finally looked over at her. "Don't feel pressured. Learn at your own pace."

"You guys," Brenda groaned. Newt lifted an eyebrow. "You make this seem so dull!"

"It's nothing," (Y/n) said quickly. She looked over as Minho nudged her in the side. He tilted his head expectantly. "What?"

"Newt," he drawled. Said boy looked over at him with a very annoyed look on his face that only served to make Minho more confident. "What have me and Thomas always been telling you?"

"Get off your-"

"Butt." Thomas inserted.

"Thank you, Tommy," Newt sighed, rolling his eyes. (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh as that was the second time one of his roommates had 'censored' Newt. Clearly, they knew exactly when he would swear.

"And date," Minho finished. "You're always sitting around on your guitar making girls swoon with that tousled hair of and sweet accent of yours, and yet (Y/n) is the first person you've actually offered to teach to play."

Newt's face was thoroughly red by the end of Minho's rant. (Y/n) was hiding hers altogether. "Can we please move on to another topic of conversation?" she mumbled through her hands.

"Sure," Thomas chirped. "Our track meet is coming up in a few weeks. Maybe that would be a good social outlet for you." He nodded at (Y/n) as she looked up at him.

"I don't know-" 

"She'd love to go," Brenda inserted. "We're always trying to get you to go. Now that you know the guys a little better, you might actually enjoy it!" 

"Sports aren't my thing...." 

"Me either," Newt agreed, putting his hand on her arm. He pulled away quickly, which she was grateful for as Brenda and Teresa, and apparently Minho, would get the wrong idea.

"Yeah, well, me and Thomas make the show. Mostly me, but Thomas climbed quickly," Minho said. Thomas rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Little Greenie, growing up so fast."

"Excuse me?" Thomas said around a mouthful. "I am not the Greenie anymore." Now it was Teresa's turn to be offended. That started a whole argument, Newt simply shaking his head and leaning down to (Y/n).

"'Greenie' is just another word for newbie," he whispered in her ear. She nodded. But who were they classifying as 'newbies' in a college with thousands of students?

She shook it off, finishing her meal and standing up. Teresa was now apparently ignoring Thomas as he tried to get her attention and Brenda was laughing, clutching her stomach. Minho just looked smug.

Newt came into the tiny kitchen after (Y/n), standing beside her at the sink as she washed her dishes off. "I can take that," she said, holding her hand out to take his plate.

"No, love, let me," he said. Her face flushed slightly. "I have to be somewhat useful." 

"You're my - our - guest," she stammered, wiggling his dishes out of his hands and setting them down in the sink. She dried her hands off and grabbed his shoulders, turning him around and guiding him out of the kitchen and over to the couch. She sat him down and went to grab his guitar, settling it in his lap. "Play something on that." 

She straightened quickly and spun on her heel, marching back to the kitchen and scrubbing Newt's dishes before he could come back. 

A moment later, she heard a hesitant strum of the guitar before the sound was silenced quickly. "You sure you don't need help?" Newt called. 

"Positive!" she shouted, probably louder than she needed to. The other three were dead silent and she looked over to the table, glaring daggers at Brenda. She slammed a spoon onto the drying mat, harder than she probably should have, stalking out of the kitchen without another word. 


(Y/n) was finishing up a starter paper when her phone buzzed next to her thigh. She finished her sentence and picked it up. It was a text from an unknown number, but when she clicked into the message, it stated that it was from Newt.

Hey, (Y/n). This is Newt. I take it you didn't really enjoy your roommates' 'socializing' setup based on your overall interactions. I get it. Minho and Thomas can be a tough crowd. 

Though, if you ever want to continue 'guitar lessons', I'm usually in the park after dinner. See you around.

(Y/n) stared at the message, then a small smile started grow on her face as she gripped the phone and typed in her response.

I'd love to.

Guitar (Newt x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora