I Need To Get Away - Chapter Eighteen

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Dylan's POV

"Dylan, I think that this is a really bad idea!" Matt hissed from behind me.

I rolled my eyes. He can be such a little drama queen at times.

"Don't be such a pussy, Matt," I hissed back. "It's the only idea either of us had that could actually work. This is our only choice. Did you think of anything better? No. So I suggest that you shut up and go along with it. Besides, we are doing this for Carley, okay? Got it?"

He sighed from behind me. I could practically feel his shoulders droop from the mention of Carley. I inwardly groaned. God, he was so irritating when he wanted to be.

All he ever did these days was mope around about Carley. Every time that I ever mentioned her (which was a lot seeing as we were here looking for her so she had to be mentioned in a daily basis in order for any sort of progress to be made) he would go all depressed and quiet and occasionally angry and more often than not refuse to talk to me. I mean, I understand that he is missing her and all, but she wouldn't want him to be constantly miserable every second of every minute of every day. Besides, moping around and not talking to anyone is wasting time - who knows, maybe we could have found her and have her safe by now.

"Yeah. I suppose you are right," he whispered behind me, sounding slightly guilty. "Anything for Carley."

I rolled my eyes, screaming at him on the inside to just shut the hell and up and grow some balls.

"Okay good, whatever," I muttered to him. "You remember the plan yes?"

"Of course I remember the plan. I keep lookout while you go through the files. I'm not stupid, Dylan."

'I beg to differ,' I thought.

"I know you're not, just checking. You ready to go?"

"Ready as I will ever be," he replied, nervousness coating his voice like sugar on Haribo Tangfastics. They were Carley's favourite sweets.

My great plan had formed earlier when Matt had mentioned during his outburst how the address to the bar in which the photo in that Carley was taken in would be locked away somewhere in a file in the building for The Times newspaper. All me and Matt had to do was break in and steal the file. Nothing could go wrong. I mean, how hard would it be to break into a building? I'd broken in and out of my house enough times whilst being grounded, I'm sure I could do it on a larger scale.

Matt had been rather wary of the idea at first.

"You mean...you want to...you think we should...break in to The Times newspaper, go through their files, and then steal the files containing any information that could involve Carley or her whereabouts?" were his exact words. If you wish to know what he sounded like say it out loud, adding a stutter, and a hint of confusion, shock, and disgust. Try it, I dare you. If you sound ridiculous, then you're doing it right.

I sighed, feeling the frustration building inside of me.

"Yes, that is what I'm saying. Come on, Matt, what other choice are we left with? Just sit here knowing that somewhere out there there is information on where Carley is which could leave us to finding her?Do you not care about her enough? Jesus, I thought I knew you better than that."

He had glared at me like I had never seen him glare before. If looks could kill I would be sitting here in Hell right now. I knew that my words would hurt - that had been the plan.

"How dare you say that I don't care about Carley! Who do you think you are, telling me who I do and don't care about! What is wrong with you? You know I would do anything to get Carley back, you know that!" he had shouted at me, the veins throbbing on his forehead.

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