Art Comes In Many Different Shapes And Sizes. This one is Beautiful.

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No one POV
The M&H art studio was broken into last night and all of the paintings were stolen Milly and Hailey were devastated as it was all their work. But did they know what there friends were planing? Oh no they didn't.

They walked into the studio this morning and got dressed into their painter outfits and walked upstairs where all the art was and Hailey burst into tears and hugged Milly as tightly as the limit between pleasure and pain. All their hard work was gone. Milly dialled their friend Luke's number.

"Hey Milly!" Luke exclaimed in his sing-song- cheery tone.

"Hi..." Milly replied.

"What's up?" Luke said with worry.

"We think the art studios been robbed" she said as she comforted Hailey.

"Hey, it's probably not the best time but, we have a surprise that might cheer you up. Can you come over?"

"Okay, sure, if it'll make my Halo better."

Hailey realised what Milly had said and blushed at the nickname.

"Alright! See you soon!"

Milly hung up on the phone and looked down to see multiple colours. Red puffy eyes, a very pink face and blue hair and grey eyes.

"Halo?! What the hell?!"

"Flustered?" Milly walks closer to Hailey so there noses are touching. "Halo Bear?"

"Agh! You suck!" Hailey yelled

"C'mon we gotta go to Luke's house."

They go downstairs and Milly unlocks the car and opens the door and holds open it for Hailey.

"What a gentlewoman"

They pull up to the bands house that's Milly, Hailey, Zander, Luke and Sean. Jake lives with his boyfriend Drew. But they still meet up with them.

"We think there's a reason why all your painting are gone." Luke said with a grin.

He turned on the news and the news lady said:

"M&H art studios art was taken by the authorities this morning and has been taken to a 1st class art studio where more students can learn of millions of ways art. The authorities called the couple this morning to tell them about this news and if they would like to stay where they where, they can go back. They received this call at about 8:30 in the morning. We assume that they were sleeping and did not hear the phone ring. The address is 176 Manarunu Street. That's Emily and we are out of news. Good night.

"Oh. My. God!" They say at the same time.

"Hails! This is amazing!" Milly yells

"Wait... were are the paintings?" Hailey says slowly with worry.

"Already there!" Zander and Sean say.

"Yes! I don't have to stuff my trunk!" Hailey yells and everyone laughs hysterically.

The girls are very happy where they are and they are very successful with students.

Art comes in many different shapes and sizes. This one is beautiful.

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