I Lose My Appetite

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I don't own the ppl or books! 

(I'm going to try to write the trio as best as possible, but this story is in the first person, and the Harry Potter books are like the opposite, so it might be a bit wonky. Please let me know if I miswrite the behaviours, I would love suggestions and constructive criticism)

Harry POV

The table is sitting in shocked silence, and I don't blame them. The oracle mummy is scarier than Moody in my opinion. Hermione gets Ron to stop inhaling his food and sends me a look, like 'we need to talk'. I nod, and quickly thank Mrs. Weasley for breakfast and follow Hermione upstairs, bringing Ron with me, who complains the whole way up the stairs that he's still hungry. I'm not entirely sure how he could have an appetite after seeing a fleshy skeleton talk to us, but then again, he's Ron.

I sit down on my bed next to Hermione, who quickly stands up and starts pacing when Ron closes the door.

"I just don't understand." She says, and I can hear the frustration in her voice.

"Don't understand what?" Ron asks with a mouthful of toast he nicked off the table.

"Nico and Will! They had to get through the hundreds of wards around this house - some of which Dumbledore himself set up -, they say that they are from the future, which doesn't make one bit of sense, because they don't have a time-turner. And then this oracle! How could she give them a prophecy if they are from the future? No magic is strong enough to do something like that. It doesn't make any sense!"

"Well... let's say they are from the future," I say, and Hermione opens her mouth to interrupt me, but I quickly continue. "Hold on Hermione. Right, so let's pretend they are from the future. Maybe they have different magic? Or in the future, they invent a new way of time travel. I mean, time turners were probably invented in the last hundred years, right? And people are always inventing new spells."

Hermione looks surprised at my speech and opens and closes her mouth like a fish for a few moments before answering.

"I guess so. But it seems very unlikely. Wizards have been trying for centuries to figure out new ways of time-travel and no one has gotten close. Even the time turners are very restricting, and you can't go back more than a year." (I made that up, don't kill me)

That does seem suspicious, and if Hermione thinks something is up, it probably is. 

"Let's ask them. They can tell us if the magic is any different, and we can see if they are death eaters." Ron says from his bed. 

"Ron! They are not death eaters!" Hermione says indignantly. 

"Yeah? How do you know? Did you check their arm?" Hermione huffs and glares at him.

"The Order wouldn't let two death eaters stay with us." She says

"Well they wouldn't just let them go either, would they?" I argue. Hermione seems to ponder this.

"Well... I suppose it's possible. But it would be horrible if they were death eaters, because..." Hermione trails off, and she looks slightly scared.

"Because?" I ask. Hermione takes a shaky breath.

"Because if they are death eaters, it means that You-Know-Who is still alive in the future. It means he's never defeated." Hermione puts her arms around herself, and Ron chokes on his toast. I feel my heart sink slightly at her statement. Questions run through my mind. Does that mean I die? And the Order fails? Is Voldemort going to take over? I shake my head and quickly get up.

"Well, there's one way to find out," I say determinedly. Ron and Hermione look at me.

"We ask them, and check their arms for the dark mark."

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