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Marie's P.O.V.

It was the day after Christmas. I'm watching Fuller House with Mariana, Jesus and Jude are playing video games in their room and Brandon is washing the dishes from lunch. Callie and her new baby come home tomorrow so we have to start cleaning soon.

"Callie comes home tomorrow." I say excitedly.

"I know. We all gotta clean the house and get it ready for Callie tomorrow." Brandon dictated.

Then there was a knock at the door. It was Wyatt.

"Hey wyatt. What's up?" Mariana asked.

"I'm here to help get the place ready for Callie and our daughter." He said.

I noticed he's holding a giftbag.

"What's that?" I point out.

"It's a gift for the baby. I'm giving it to Callie tomorrow. It's a pink unicorn. She can't have it yet, so it'll be on her dresser til she's older. There's also winter newborn clothes and a pink pacifier." He said all happily.

I was excited, he's excited. I'm pretty sure we were all excited for Callie's baby.

Callie's P.O.V.

I'm currently in bed, feeding Lila. I still can't believe she is finally here. Wyatt texted me saying he has a gift for our daughter. I told him I come home tomorrow. I could tell he was proud of being dad and I'm proud of being a mom, despite being a teenager. I don't care what anyone says. Being teen parents, I think we're going to be just fine. Plus my moms will help in any way they can and I love them for that.

"You're doing great, Callie. After you're done feeding her I'll help you burp her." My mom said.

"And I'll help you change her." Mama said.

They have been teary eyes since Lila arrived. They weren't sad. They were happy. Proud. Proud of being grandparents. Who'd ever thought a baby could bring everyone together?

Brandon's P.O.V.

I was finishing up the dishes and so I decided to go help Wyatt set up the crib in the nursery by Callie and Marianas room. Mariana was setting up the baby monitor in her and callies room and in the nursery, plus one in our moms room. Moms said they wanted one in there in case Callie needs help.

"Ok. The baby monitors are set up and are working." Mariana said.

"Ok. Shut them off now." I said.

"Ok." She said.

"The crib is finally finished." Wyatt said proudly.

Honestly I'm happy for him. He and Callie belong together. But I can't help but miss Callie. Callie was the love of my life but we stopped everything so she and Jude could get adopted. Which I'm glad they were.

"Looks great, Wyatt. I think that's everything. Let's go downstairs. Everyone is going to watch Soul. Want to join us?"

"Sure. Love to." He accepted.

"Awesome. I'll go make popcorn." I said as we head downstairs.

I go in the kitchen and make 2 bowls of popcorn.

After a few minutes, I go and join everyone in the living room. I hand everyone a soda and I hand Jesus a bowl of popcorn. I sit on the floor next to Marie.

"Quit hogging the popcorn, Jesus!" Mariana yelled.

"Make me." Jesus said back.

"Shhh. It's about to start." Marie said.

After a few moments of the twins bickering, everyone was quiet and we all watched the movie.

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