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Harry and Louis had settled into the new flat just fine.
The days grew sunnier as the year moved into spring, and come late April, they did spend every morning and evening together on the terrace.
On week days they worked, both passionate about their current pursuits. And weekends they spent together, occasionally taking the train to Glasgow to see Henry or Connell and Graham, sharing happy hours and lazy afternoons between book store shelves.
Harry spent his days at his new office, talking with authors and editors and publishing books. Louis spent his days between teaching his class at the university and writing in his beautiful new office.
Some days, he'd come home from teaching to find Harry home early, waiting for him with kisses and a cup of tea. Others, he'd finish writing another chapter of his new book and move to the empty arm chair in Harry's office next door and get lost in a book until Harry was ready to go home for the night.
Summer approached quickly, the end of spring term was a promise for Harry and Louis to have a week off together. They'd planned to make a trip from Edinburgh to Holmes Chapel so Louis could finally meet Harry's family.


"Yeah?" Harry called back from across the flat.

"Have you got everything love? We've got to leave soon if we want to make our flight."

"Yeah." Harry's voice was closer as he stepped back into their bedroom with a grin on his face. "Got everything. You ready love?"

"Mm." Louis hummed softly, a bit nervous.

"Hey-" Harry cupped his cheek. "It'll be brilliant. Mum will love you."

Louis sighed. "I'm almost glad your sister is on holiday, I think I'd be even more a wreck meeting them both."

Harry huffed a laugh and kissed Louis' forehead. "Not a wreck, my love. It's alright."

Louis leaned into his touch. "I can't believe you're going to tell her."

"It'll be alright." Harry said again softly, almost reassuring himself.
"I think she may have guessed if I'm honest. But yeah... I'm going to tell her."

Louis looked into Harry's eyes, soft and fond. "So brave, you are."
He kissed the tip of Harry's nose and sighed.

"You make me brave." Harry grabbed Louis' hand and kissed his palm before guiding him out of the bedroom.

One plane ride and cab ride later, Harry and Louis had arrived in front of a cottage style house in Holmes Chapel. Louis' palms were sweating as they walked up the front drive together.

"What did you call me?" He asked softly.
"Like when you told your mom I was coming with you?"

"I just said I'm bringing someone with me. Named Louis."
Harry squeezed his shoulder reassuringly.

"Right. Okay."

"Hey." Harry stopped walking and turned to face Louis. "It's going to be alright."

Louis nodded, forcing a smile, and took a deep breath. "Okay. Sorry."

"Don't be."

"I just... it sounds silly but I want her to like me. Because I love her son."

"Lou--" Harry's eyes widened, a fond smile threatening to spill across is face.
"I love you."

"You know I love you too." Louis took another deep breath and smiled genuinely.
"Alright, let's go."

The front door opened as they reached the front steps, and a sweet looking woman with the same dark, curly hair and green eyes as Harry stood in the doorway.


Harry grinned and gave Louis a quick smile before stepping up to hug his mum.
"Hi mum. Missed you."

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