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Harry squinted his eyes open and a sleepy smile spread across his face when he saw Louis sleeping in front of him, fringe soft across his forehead, soft breaths brushing against his arm. He looked at the clock on the nightstand before kissing Louis' forehead gently and carefully slipping out of bed.
Harry walked to the large window as he stretched and parted the curtains a bit more and looked out at the city. It was cloudy out, the sky darker than it should be for the morning hour, but it was a cozy darkness. Harry moved to his bag and pulled out a pair of trousers and his green jumper, and tugged them on before slipping on his shoes. He scribbled a note on the pad on the nightstand and kissed Louis' forehead again before tucking a room key in his pocket and heading out to the hallway, pulling the door shut behind him.
He took the lift to the lobby and smiled as he stepped out the front doors of the hotel. He'd noticed a cafe a few buildings down from their hotel as they'd walked back last night, and turned towards it, tucking his hands in his pockets and looking up at the cloudy sky.

The cafe was busy; the Friday morning business men bustled around waiting for their coffee, and Harry stepped in line with them. He ordered his own coffee and tea the way Louis liked it for takeaway, left a large tip, and waiting at the end of the counter, feeling almost out of place in the crowd of suits and dress shoes.
With takeaway cups in hand, Harry pushed the door open with his shoulder and stepped back outside. It had started to drizzle a soft rain, and Harry enjoyed every quiet second of walking back to the hotel. He opened the door to their room carefully and grinned when he saw Louis still fast asleep. He set the cups on the nightstand and kicked his shoes off before climbing back into bed, sitting beside Louis.

"Lou.." he whispered softly, brushing his fringe back.
He laughed when Louis scrunched his nose in his sleep and leaned down to kiss his forehead. "Louis, love."


"I've got tea, lovely."

Louis squinted one eye open. "Hm?"

"Good morning sunshine." Harry leaned down to kiss his lips. "I got you tea."

"You're perfect." Louis stretched and pushed himself to sit up, kissing Harry's cheek.
"Good morning, darling. I love this jumper."
He tucked his fingers into the knit that hugged Harry's chest.

Harry grinned into another shared kiss and pulled Louis into his arms.
"My sleepy, beautiful boyfriend."

Louis bit his lip and buried his face against Harry's chest.

"Want your tea, love?"

Louis nodded and took the cup from Harry's hand and took a sip.
"Mm, god this is perfect. Can we wake up like this every morning?"

Harry laughed even though his chest tightened slightly. "One day. One day we'll do this every day."

They drank their tea and coffee in bed together, leaning against the headboard with their legs tucked under the ivory sheets, and sat talking and kissing until it was almost time to check out and head to lunch with Henry.
Louis changed into his clothes and they shoved everything else in Harry's bag before heading down to the lobby. Louis waited outside while Harry checked out. They walked together through the soft rain, ducking under awnings, all the way to the cafe by Henry's flat. Henry was there by the time they arrived and had saved them a table in the back corner of the cafe by a large window.

"Morning Henry." Harry grinned and sat down beside Louis.

"Morning lads." Henry looked towards Louis. "Read a bit of your book last night, Louis."

"Oh?" Louis looked surprised. "Uh, what did you think."

"Thought it was beautiful. Harry was right, you're a brilliant writer."

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