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The rest of the week went much the same.
Louis would wake before Harry, leave him a note and kiss him goodbye, and head to work at the university. Harry would wake up to Louis' note, lounge in bed for awhile, and then get up to make himself coffee and breakfast, and settle in to reading and editing Louis' book at his little desk. They'd spend the evenings together, making dinner together in the small kitchen, and then spend a few hours in the living room or out on the fire escape to enjoy the cool, early summer evening air.
By the time Friday arrived, Harry and Louis were both ready to spend more time together. They woke early Friday morning and made their way through town, walking to the cafe for coffee and tea. They sipped their drinks as they walked back to Louis' flat, and Louis suggested that the next day, they take the train to St. Andrews for the day.
The rest of Friday was spent walking through town and lounging around Louis' living room. They stayed out on the fire escape with cups of hot tea until late in the night. Talking and sharing secret kisses. Harry had talked to his boss earlier in the day, and they'd arranged for him to get a flight back to London in a week, on Saturday morning.
They climbed back through the open window into the living room around midnight, empty mugs in hand. Harry shut the window and pulled Louis down with him on the couch.

"Hi." Louis laughed as he settled onto Harry's lap, knees resting on either side of his thighs.

"Mm. Hi." Harry sighed against Louis' neck before kissing the soft skin there.

Louis smiled into his touch and tucked his fingers into the curls at the base of Harry's neck. Harry pulled his head back to look at Louis and leaned in to kiss him.

"I love spending time with you." Harry smiled between kisses.

Louis laughed against his lips and agreed.

"We should take the early train tomorrow." Harry commented as he kissed along Louis' neck. "Wanna explore with you all day. Beach, town, castle, anything you want."

"That sounds brilliant." Louis nuzzled his face against Harry's neck and kissed his shoulder. "Come to bed with me then?"

"Mm, okay." Harry hummed sleepily.

Louis stood from the couch and pulled Harry up with him, looping his arm around his waist as they walked through the dark flat and into the bedroom. Harry pulled his jumper and trousers off before turning to Louis with a sleepy smirk. He reached out to take Louis' glasses off and set them on the night stand before pulling his jumper off as well.
Louis laughed and pulled his trousers off, leaving them on the floor with Harry's, and they climbed into bed together. They faced each other, legs tangled together under the covers, eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room.

"Lou..." Harry whispered, letting his fingers trace along Louis' jaw.

Louis hummed into his touch. "Yeah?"

Harry let his finger tips linger along Louis' jaw and leaned in, pressing their lips together. He felt Louis press back into the kiss, and he moved his hand from his jaw, dropping it lower and letting his hands move along his chest and down his stomach. Louis' breath caught as Harry's hands rested on his hips, thumbs slipping under the waist of his pants.
He relaxed into Harry's velvet touch and moved his tongue against his more desperately. Harry hummed a soft moan into the kiss and let his thumbs rub along Louis' hip bones, not dipping much lower. Their heavy breathing, rustling sheets, and the sound of their lips moving together left a heady buzz hanging in the air.

"Harry." Louis gasped quietly as Harry sucked a mark just below his collarbone, his whole body shivered as Harry's cool breath lingered over the burning skin.

"Louis." Harry whispered back, his lips never leaving Louis' skin.

"I--" Louis swallowed hard. "want to feel you."

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