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Two hours after leaving the flat, Harry and Louis were walking out of the station in Church Square in St. Andrews. They kept a meter between them as they walked into the square and looked for a place to grab breakfast.
They settled on a small cafe at the end of the street the led towards the sea. And after a quick breakfast of scones and tea, they were back out on the sidewalk, walking out of city centre.
Even though it was early, St. Andrews Castle was already busy with photographers and tourists, so they admired it from a distance before walking down to the beach. Louis tugged his shoes off before stepping in the sand, and Harry followed his lead. They made sure to keep a good distance between themselves as they walked, enough that they could still hear each other without looking like they were together. The beach was nearly empty, so they ended up drifting closer as they walked, stepping apart again every few meters.

"I want to hold your hand." Harry said quietly, a tinge of sadness in his voice.

Louis frowned and looked down as he kicked a bit of sand. "I know.  I do too."

Harry kept walking, looking out at the sea, waves crashing farther out against a cropping of rocks.

"Does anyone know?" Louis asked after a minute.

"Know what?"

He looked at Harry and their steps slowed. "Does anyone know what you're gay?"

"Oh. Uh." Harry looked between Louis and the sea. "Not explicitly. I think my mum and sister might know. No one has said anything about it though. A guy I work with, Charlie, he might have an idea. But he hasn't said anything either. I don't know, I think they all probably just think I'm just shit with women." He joked with a forced laugh.

Louis nodded and followed Harry's gaze. A ways down the beach, a couple walked hand in hand, laughing together and sharing quick kisses, leaning into each other as they walked.

When Louis looked back at Harry, his features had hardened into a heart breaking frown.


Harry tore his eyes away from the couple and looked back at Louis, a fake smile plastered on his face. "Yeah?"

"You alright?"

"Yeah, of course."  He forced an extra wide grin and bent down to cuff his trousers before starting down the beach again. He moved closer to the water, letting the edge of the waves crash over his bare feet.

Louis frowned but picked up his pace to follow.
They walked in silence down the beach for awhile until Harry changed the subject.

"What else do you want to do today? I've never actually been to St. Andrews before."

Louis smiled. "We could walk around the university? The campus is almost as beautiful as the one in Edinburgh."
He sighed in relief when that made Harry genuinely smile.
"We could walk around city centre, St. Andrews cathedral ruins are pretty interesting and probably not as busy as the castle."

"Alright." Harry agreed, nodding. "That sounds good."

They walked a ways more down the beach before making their way back up to the street and brushing off their sandy feet before pulling shoes back on. Louis led the way as they walked back through city centre. It was busier than it had been that morning, and they were able to walk a bit closer to each other in the crowd without drawing too much attention.
They made it to the university campus just before noon. The campus was nearly empty as it was a Saturday, and Louis led Harry through the walkways and arches into the courtyard.

"Wow." Harry grinned, looking around. "You're right. Almost as beautiful as Edinburgh."

Louis laughed and nodded. "It is. I almost went to uni here."

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