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"Father, I beg you! You must believe me! It's not me! I didn't poison Jeanette! "

While the girl desperately tried to convince her father, kneeling and clutching at his pants, the man didn't agree.

"You ungrateful little thing!" The man in front of her exuded a murderous aura that could scare more than one person away. "You dare attempt on my daughter's life and now you call me 'father'? Throw this thing in the dungeons!"

The guards grabbed the blonde and dragged her to the big door of the throne room.

"Father why?! Why do you treat me like this?!" The girl had not given up and kept asking for explanations about the behaviour of her... father. "I am also your daughter! I have been by your side much longer than Jeanette! So why?! I assure you that I had nothing to do with it! I would never dare to attack my own sister! I implore you, believe me!" And it was true. The girl would never dare to attack what she thought was her blood related sister.

She begged him tirelessly, always being dragged by the guards to the exit. She didn't stop crying, raising her head one last time to her father, she crossed his eyes. And then she understood that despite her protests, nothing was going to change.

"Are you still calling me Father?" The blond man's eyes darkened and it was something that never happened in the presence of the famous Jeanette. "Didn't you understand? I never considered you as my daughter. You are only a microbe that I should have killed at the same time as all my concubines, at the same time as this wench. I don't even know how you dare to call yourself a princess, you good-for-nothing girl." He ends his sentence with a face and a voice full of anger and hatred.

At these words she lowered her head.

"I see, so it's useless now, you'll never love me..."

So the girl was locked up in the dungeons underground, praying first for someone to come to her rescue. But no one came. Two days after she was locked up, she heard that her servant and friend, Lilian York, had been executed by the emperor for trying to defend her. So she cried. Again and again she cried. Lilian had been the only one who, in the 18 years of her life, had truly loved her and stood by her side. The only one who really mattered to her had died because of her.

But Athanasia was innocent! She certainly found it hard not to be jealous of Jeanette for all the things she didn't have, but never, never she would have dared to attack her own sister! Especially knowing all the love their father had for her.

Yet no one wanted to hear anything, no one had come to see her in the dungeons, not even Jeanette. Yet she had been so kind to her, had shown her how a princess should behave, had shown her how to behave properly in society. And what did she get in return? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. On the contrary, Jeanette had gradually taken everything from her, even her father's love. And there was nothing she could do about it, she would be killed and Jeanette would live her best life. If only she could go back in time, she wouldn't have helped Jeanette. She would surely have tried to flee with Lilian far, far from Obelia, far from her monstrous father, and far from Jeanette. But unfortunately she could not, and she never will.

The next day she was taken to the main square and hanged at the age of 18, exactly 9 years after her first meeting with her father.

The news of her death did not shock many people. Athanasia was certainly a princess, but no one had paid more attention to her than that. But despite everything, the investigation into Jeanette's assassination attempt continued, mainly led by Felix Robane, who couldn't believe that the young princess could do this, and the truth finally came out: Athanasia was innocent, the person responsible for this poisoning was none other than Countess Rosalia Judith, Jeanette's aunt.

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