Bonus Chapter #2

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Her left hand rests on her bump as she brushes through her hair with her right, exhaustion apparent on her face as she fixes herself for her meetings.

Putting the brush down onto the dressing table, she slowly hauls herself up from her stool, wincing as her back aches at the sudden movement.

Roman can hear movement from where he is in the bathroom, and he quickly hurries out, his eyes widening as he spots his very pregnant mate moving around.

"Ave, I told you to call me!" He scolds, and she scowls at him, slapping his hand off her arm.

"I'm not an invalid, I'm just pregnant," she scoffs, waddling around the room to find a hat.

"Yes, very pregnant," he reminds her with a frown, grabbing a tan wool hat for her.

It matches the only coat she wants to wear nowadays, so he figures that she can't be too upset at his pairing of the two.

She stares at it for a moment, taking it off him gently and cramming it onto her head roughly, glancing at the time.

"I can drive you if you give me two minutes," he offers, combing through his soaking wet hair.

The towel around his waist is hanging precariously, and Avery is entirely focused on his back muscles as he moves his arms.

She loves just watching him do his day-to-day tasks, and watching him move around after his shower never gets old - there's something about his muscles and him glistening with water that really fascinates and delights her and Sonya to no end.

The wolf rears her head at the sight of Roman, and Avery has to stop herself from grinning.

Her wolf has taken a beating during the pregnancy, trying to stop the ridiculously strong Alpha pup from sapping all of their energy and strength.

Even still, Avery has lost weight from their child taking her nutrients and energy.

It'll all be worth it, Sonya groans wearily, equally ready for it to be over.

They haven't shifted in almost four months, and it's killing both of them since they used to shift at least once a day to spend time in harmony.

Whoever said pregnancy was a beautiful thing hadn't dealt with Avery's pup, who seemed intent on playing football in the middle of the night, every night.

She was near her due date, and she didn't have time for the pup to come early - she had meetings literally up until the day before the pup was due to be born.

The dissolution of the former Council had left her with a lot of work to do, and everyone was working from dawn to dusk to try and organise what had been left in ruins by the last ruling party. Avery herself had been elected to the Council, which she would have loved any other time, but with the impending due date, she felt even more stressed than usual.

"Okay, I'm ready," Roman nods, picking up Avery's fur-lined trench coat, holding it up for her to slide her arms into.

She detests how much help she needs at the moment, but she knows that Roman is doing it out of love.

That doesn't make it any easier for her to give up so much of her independence and freedom, but she's working on it.

She was terrified of having this child, and she wasn't talking about the birthing process - she knew that would be bad, all of her friends had children, and she had witnessed more than one birth.

She didn't want to ruin this child, and she was terrified she'd do something wrong.

She had tried to talk to Roman about it, but he refused to listen to her, instead insisting she was going to be brilliant straight away.

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