Part 68

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Zephyr has half-shifted, his teeth pointed and sharp, his entire face morphing into that of his wolf.

He looks terrifying, his eyes flashing from black to red and his shoulders hunching forward as his wolf tries to force a shift.

Avery is barely holding back a shift, her claws digging into her palms as she tries to ground herself. She's counting backwards from twenty-four, and praying to the Moon Goddess as quickly as she can, crossing her fingers that her words are heard before anything bad can begin.

Alphas who have scented Lilith before have stood up, looking outraged by the appearance by the rogue in their court.

"Lilith Addison, thank you for presenting yourself to the court," one of the Councilmen booms and the growling almost drowns him out.

The atmosphere is tense, and everyone who isn't growling or holding back growls are looking at each other in confusion.

Katya, Scott, Mike, and another Alpha who Avery only barely recognises are restraining him, holding on as tight as they can.

Zephyr is almost breaking out of their hold, and Avery glances between Lilith and Zephyr in horror.

Alpha wolves take rejection as needed, but they don't handle abandonment well.

Zephyr's wolf wasn't only protecting Zephyr, but their son as well.

Emmett was at the forefront of Zephyr's mind, and when it came down to it if it was between protecting a child or a mate, children won almost every time.

Shit, he's going to kill her, Sonya hisses, and Avery titters.

He won't, she's his mate, Avery argues, but her lack of conviction shines through her phone.

That hasn't stopped others, Sonya grimly reminds her.

"I refuse to let her be questioned by the court," Zephyr grits out, his voice completely different to how it usually is.

He's usually soft-spoken, his authority carrying through his gentle tones.

He sounds gravelly and blood-thirsty now.

You would be too if somebody ran out on you and your kid, Sonya mutters.

I know, I just think he sounds scary right now, Avery snaps, returning to counting down.

Sit back down, people are staring at us, Sonya urges, and Avery warily pays heed to her wolf's words, looking over at Zephyr as she does.

This wasn't her fight, but she had no issues with jumping into it if need be.

"Alpha Addison, with all due respect, that isn't your choice. She volunteered," a member of the table responds calmly, but the tremor in his voice is audible for everyone to hear.

He's terrified of the much larger Alpha who looks ready to rip the head off anyone in his way.

He's had such an eventful day, Sonya comments wearily, looking at her friend sadly.

I hope he's okay, we should try to get a recess, Avery suggests, and Sonya doesn't disagree.

"Council, I would like to request a ten-minute recess," Avery calls, and the table looks at each other, and then back at her cautiously.

"Why?" One asks, and Avery raises an eyebrow.

"There might be a murder otherwise?" She mutters to herself, and Katya hears her, hiding her smirk.

"I need a break," she simply says into the microphone.

The Council murmurs to each other for a minute, and then one of them gives her a firm nod.

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