Part 72

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Hayden raises an eyebrow and nods to Mitchell, sending daggers his way.

Mitchell rapidly shakes his head, pursing his lips and pointing aggressively at Hayden.

"You do it," he mouths, jutting his chin forward as he scowls.

I'm not doing it, you prick, Hayden declares through their mindlink, slyly flashing him the middle finger.

You are the Gamma, as your Beta, I'm ordering you to do it, Mitchell instantly replies, folding his arms smugly, and waiting for Hayden to react to the response.

You aren't actually commanding me, so I'm not doing it. Ask York or Kathleen to do it; she won't kill either of them, Hayden complains, throwing his arms up silently.

The two men glance furtively at Avery, who is reclining in her seat with her eyes closed.

They know she isn't asleep, she scared the crap out of them all a few minutes earlier when she had joined in on a conversation and debate suddenly. Her breathing is level, and Hayden is convinced she's napping - Mitch assumes she's meditating.

Mitchell glances at his mate, and then shakes his head, making eye contact with Hayden and then pointing at York.

They nod to each other, and then connect York into their mindlink, staring at him intensely.

You have to ask her how it went, Mitchell states, and Hayden makes a noise of agreement.

I'm not talking to her, one of you do it, York grumbles, curling up in his seat and facing the other direction.

No, you have no rank, and we're telling you to do it, Hayden reminds him.

Are you seriously pulling rank? York groans, shaking his head at them as he slowly rises to a seated position, wincing as his knees crack, I'll do it, but I don't think I should be the one doing it since it's you guys who want to know.

Kathleen is blissfully unaware of the plotting taking place two feet away from her, as she stares out the window at the clouds, ignoring her mate and the jets other occupants.

"How was your meeting with Lilith?" York sighs out loud, rolling his eyes as his sister opens one eye.

"It was fine," Avery responds shortly, her voice monotone as she closes her eye again.

"Did she tell you much?" He asks, trying to satisfy the others urge for answers.

Avery ignores her brother, rolling onto her side and pulling her blanket over her shoulder.

Her meeting with Lilith hadn't gone to plan.

As soon as she had walked in, Lilith had started screaming like she was being murdered.

Guards had run in and tried to restrain Avery, but once they saw that she hadn't even walked past the doorway, they released her as quickly as they had started getting out their handcuffs and ropes.

Kinky, had been Sonya's only reaction.

As soon as the guards had left, after having words with Lilith, she had given Avery a bloody smile.

She wanted to know where the blood had come from, but she honestly wasn't invested in the girl's health enough to ask about it.

"How are you today?" Avery asked as a way of starting the conversation, not wanting to waste any time.

"Better now that you're here," Lilith winked.

Avery was vaguely horrified, but she couldn't tell if it was because of the bloody teeth or the deranged smile that was in place on Lilith's lips.

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