Obedience and Disobedience

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Haha, more horrible titles... I say it's horrible because it only represents half of this chapter, and a little bit of that half at that...

Friday (the days may be a bit confusing, but it shall all work out in the end, trust me for now)
-Mystery Countries POV

Everything's getting on well, I would say. I wanted to target Montserrat because she seems quite small and like I could easily get into her head, but Falklands keeps stopping me. She's getting on my nerves. She is one of the most disobedient Territories. Just thinking about it makes me growl in a rising anger.

Pitcairn is unique. I can tell this even though he's only been here for a short while. He is silent, but defiant. He keeps his head high and refuses to cooperate but in a way where he makes a good argument. Smart territory. He's definitely on my nerves.

Gibraltar is much like Falklands but he sort of follows behind her, backing her up. I can see he's too anxious to rise up on his own and waits for others to make the first move.

Anguilla... she's okay. She does the jobs I give her and I have agreed in taking better care of her in turn for her obedience. She does however, continue to do stuff behind my back. Sneak in food, drinks and medicine without my permission. I'm supposed to be in charge of that stuff, not her. I've had many talks with her about it. I raise my anger each time and it's slowly breaking her confidence, meaning she's doing it less and less.

These are just the territories that are a pain in my back. The others are decent in behaviour, but still do not except my rule over them. I am okay with this. They can't hold on forever.

I sit at my desk again, I practically live hear now. I open up a draw in my desk and take out a piece of paper. I shut the draw and place the paper on the table.
It is a list with all the British Overseas Territories on it, just so I can keep track of it all.

British Overseas Territories
•Akrotiri and Dhekelia
•Ascension Island
•British Indian Ocean Territory
•British Virgin Islands
•Cayman Islands
•Falkland Islands
•Pitcairn Islands
•Saint Helena
•South Georgia
•South Sandwich Islands
•Tristan Da Cunha
•Turks and Caicos

(I had to manually put this stuff into alphabetical order so I am sorry if I missed any or if there are mistakes, it is late at night right now.)

I grab an ink pen and begin to cross out the ones I have taken while muttering their names.

...British Virgin Islands...
...The Falklands...
...Pitcairn Islands...
...South Georgia...
...South Sandwich Islands...
...Turks and Caicos..."
I quickly count them.
"Ten out of eighteen, so far..."

There is one more Overseas Territories but I shall not be taking it. It would be the British Antarctic Territory. It's annoying that I can't have it, it is the biggest of all of them after all, doesn't get that much recognition. The reason is because it is in Antartica and it would effect Antartica, meaning he would be able raise awareness against me which I don't want. He also isn't that bad of a continent, I don't hold any grudges with him, so I'll let him keep it. I should really be doing the same with Akrotiri and Dhekelia but, come on, it's Cyprus, I gotta at least try with her. I'm not going to battle it out like others, more just ask to take the territories. If she declines, I'll let her take them. I don't really care that much, sure I would like the power, but my goal is to erase the last few territories of The British Empire, and reclaim them as my own. I'm not the only one whom wants to do it as well. Many want to do it I'm sure, but I have two allies and we all have the same thing in mind... revenge.

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