...Break Him...

963 21 47

Look at me, the person who is terrible at languages and only just realised that Argentina speaks Spanish and so he should be saying "Falklands" in Spanish!
Wow I can be stupid.
Welp, he's going to be calling 'The Falklands' 'Las Malvinas' now or "Malvinas" for short. I might go back and edit it too so...yep.

Oh and the mystery country will not speak their language because that will give it away completely so you can imagine that they're saying other countries names in their language until the chapter where we find out who this country is! Exciting, huh?


No ones POV

Argentina pulls Falklands away from the edge of the cliff. He has the urge to pull her into a hug and say how sorry he was but resists. Falklands has tears running down her cheeks. She's not sure if it's from the fact that she surrendered or how scary it was to be dangled over that cliff. The other country just stands there in silence. They all do that for a while. The silence is soon interrupted by the low growl of the other country and their head twitches but a lot more violent than the other times. It seems to trigger something in Argentina as he does the same and after this is done Falklands feels like she lost any power she had felt before her land was taken. She feels smaller. Weaker. Very sad too.

"We're done here." The other country says.
Argentina nods and he holds a tight grip on to Falklands wrist as they begin to walk back to the ships. Falklands tried her best not to cry at the sight of Stanley and her soldiers. They stopped fighting as soon as Falklands surrendered. Once the country is gone there isn't much you can do. Except a revolution in later time of course. There were quite a few cases in which humans have stood up to countries despite the fact of how much stronger a country is compared to a human. But almost all the time, a lot of blood will be spilled. But that seems to be a natural thing in anger.

Falklands head hangs low as she's dragged to the ship. She doesn't want to see the sad, angry or disappointed look on her soldiers faces. She doesn't want to see anything. She just wants to close her eyes and listen to the waves crashing on her land, or what was her land. She just wants to have peace. But that's seems to be an impossible thing to achieve in this world.

They walk up the gangway as everyone watches. They make it onto the dock and the country that cannot be named, goes to the helm of the ship and begins to get everything ready to leave. It took a day for them to get Falklands to surrender where as with the other nations the other country managed to claim them in less than a day because of how small they were. Falklands was one of the bigger Overseas British Territories and so would be harder for them to obtain; Falklands would be a lot stronger too.

Argentina takes Falklands through the ship. They make it to a room halfway through one of the hallways. Argentina opens the door and walks in. Falklands just stands in the doorway. Argentina sits down on a bed. It has a mattress and blankets on it, it even has a white towel along the end of it like many hotels would; although this is far from a holiday cruise ship. There's even a bedside table.

Argentina looks at Falklands. They hold an awkward stare for a few seconds before Falklands looks away at the small glass window in the room.
"I um..."
Falklands looks towards Argentina as he speaks
"I need to change out of my military clothes,"
Falklands gets the idea. She steps out of the room and shuts the door. She leans against the wall and looks down the hallway. She contemplated running away but doesn't as she knows she'll get caught.

A little bit later Argentina opens the door. Falklands moves into the doorway but is hesitant when thinking of walking into the room. Argentina walks up to the bedside table and rummages through the top draw.
"I thought I put some in here..." he mumbles to himself. He kneels down and begins to search through the second draw instead.
"Ah-Hah!" He exclaims as he finds and pulls out some bandages. Argentina looks towards Falklands. "I need to clean and bandage your wounds."
Falklands just stares. She eventually nods her head. She walks over to the bed and sits down.
"I hope this isn't awkward for you but I need you to take off your coat and shirt." Argentina says slightly nervous himself. It shouldn't be that awkward I'm her father after all, He reassures himself.
Falklands is hesitant but undoes the wooden pins on her coat and takes it off. A thin blood stained hole on the arm of the coat and a longer diagonal blood stained cut on the back. The blood is harder to see on Falklands long-sleeved, plain black shirt but when touched you can feel just how much Falklands has bled. She has such a strong will power it's hard to imagine how she never passed out. She removed the shirt to reveal the knife wounds. The one on her arm is very deep and looks like it would be easy for infection. The one on her back may be bigger but is certainly not as deep making it at least a bit more bearable.

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