The Falklands; Part 2

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I also just want to say that this is not meant to offend anyone and is just for the purpose of the story. I am sorry if it seems slightly biased to a countries perspective which you do not agree with.

Falklands POV

Dammit! I'm an idiot! How could I let my guard down like that? This other country is really annoying me right now.
"Put your gun down, Malvinas," Argentina says.
Like I'm gonna do that.
"Malvinas, don't push your luck..."
The country pushes the gun harder against the back of my head. I growl and begin to put the gun back into one of my pockets.
"Nah ah ahh~" Argentina shakes his head. "Put it on the ground. Preferably far out of your reach."
I glare at him and give another growl before I chuck the handgun away to the side.
"Happy now?" I ask him coldly.
He smiles. "Very. Now I was thinking, this city's pretty empty when it's meant to hold most of your population." He says and gives me a malicious look.
"I think we just might have to search the whole island to find them-"
"Don't get my people involved in this!" I shout.
Argentina almost looks surprised.
"You can easily take my land without anyone getting hurt! I'd rather die than watch my innocent people suffer." I say harshly.
Argentina smiles at me again. I'm fed up of his sick smile by now.
"I have to admit Malvinas I'm impressed at your passion," he begins to speak. "but if you haven't noticed we may be fighting here but both our military's will be fighting their own battle,"
Argentina was right. My military will be trying their hardest to prevent Argentina and this over countries soldiers from conquering this land. This is mostly because of a strict rule of humans not being allowed to hurt countries, otherwise they get serious charges.
Argentina appears to be thinking on what to do next, his facial expression changing on each thought. He stops thinking, his face showing that of something quite horrible planned for me.
"You say you would die?"
The way he says this makes me want to take back how I worded that sentence.
"I might as well grant your wish, who cares if one country's life is lost?"
Argentina aims the gun at me. He's actually going to shoot me.

Adrenaline rushes through me and I go into a fight or flight response. Argentina is hesitant and I almost think he's not going to do it but then he pulls the trigger; I duck down. The country behind me would of been shot but I pulled them down with me. I don't want to witness a death right now. They look at me slightly shocked and then I kick them away from me.
"How the-" Argentina begins to question but then stops at the sound of a gun behind him. He turns around and the same female soldier from before stands there.
"You dumb soldier, you realise that you can't legally hurt a country?" He says angrily.
"I know but we can distract them." The soldier simply responds before running off.
Argentina swiftly turns around but I'm already running away to the cover of a building.
"That little Sh-"
I run behind a building, blocking out the sound of Argentina's voice.

I don't have a gun anymore. Dammit.

I reach into my right chest pocket. I pull out a small blade. It has a protective leather cover over it. I take it off. The blade is deadly sharp. Even though it's small, it can do a lot of damage if dug into the skin deep enough. I would usually always have a blade on me because of the rocky cliffs that I like to sometimes draw carvings into. Although this blade isn't exactly the right type but it's still sharp enough so who really cares. That's a rhetorical question by the way. I could also use it for protection like right now.

I let out a small sigh.
"Looks like I'm bringing a knife to a gun fight..."

The odds aren't exactly in my favour and with it being two countries vs one, I definitely don't have that much of a chance. But I would never forgive myself if I just gave up. Hiding between the buildings is great but it's also great for them two countries. If we were out in the open we wouldn't be able to sneak up on each other as easily and simply as we can between these buildings. I decide that I'm going to lead them away from the city.

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