Chapter 6

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"Allison." My name is dragged out as I feel a quick jab to my side. "Wake up." A groan escapes my lips as I groggily open my eyes. Letting my eyes adjust, it takes a moment before my eyes land on my still-a-tiny bit blurry brother. Why the hell is he waking me up?

"What?" I ask, my voice a little sharp. I hope he hears the annoyance in my voice and takes the hint to leave and let me go back to sleep.

He sits on a small space on my bed and shakes my shoulders. "How was your birthday yesterday?" He asks, not letting go of my shoulders. Why is he waking me up just to ask me this? Did Madison say something? Does everyone know about what happened last night? A sudden feeling of panic fills my body, and I feel my heart start racing slightly. The events of last night start flooding my memory.

"Can't we talk about this later?" I ask as I grab my head due to the forming headache. Is this what a bad hangover is like? Because if it is, I never want to experience it again. There's a chance he doesn't know, right? If he did, I don't think he'd be this calm. Maybe he's just trying to be annoying. My heart is still racing, and I feel like I'm going to be sick to my stomach.

"It's one o'clock in the afternoon. You should get up anyway," He sits back, getting comfortable, "so we can talk about this now." I manage to sit up next to him, groaning a little. "How was it?" He presses. I just wish I could punch his annoying face right now. I'm so frustrated that I want to scream at him to leave. There's a chance everything that happened will come out, and then everything will start changing.

"Fun." I give him a short, irritated answer. "Justin, I just want to go back to bed. I'm exhausted. Let's talk about this later when I'm up."

"You look up to me. What'd you do?" He ignores me and gently wraps his arm around my shoulders. I shrug his shoulders off, annoyed. Why is he being so pushy? I'm starting to really panic; this seems weird. Maybe I'm just being paranoid right now because I know if everything were to come out, it'd be a shitshow. The events of last night flash before my eyes, but I shake them away. There is no way I can tell him. At least not yet.

"Just went to see Evan with Madison and hung out there for a while. Then we looked through her clothes and watched a movie." I bite my lip, hoping he can't see through my lie. I hate lying to him, but I don't want him to freak out at me. Sooner or later, he's going to know the truth.

He smiles, obviously believing my story. "Did you have a good time?"

I stand up, sighing, "Yup."

I pull myself out of bed and open the door, motioning for Justin to leave, which he complies. Leaving my door cracked, I stride into my bathroom and brush through the tangles in my hair. Once I'm able to run my brush all the way through, I brush my teeth and just lean on the counter, staring at my reflection in the mirror. I try to tame the flyaways sticking out of my head, and when my appearance doesn't make it evident that I just woke up, I leave my room and head to the kitchen. I wish I could stay curled up in bed for the rest of the day watching movies, but I know I can't do that.

As I make my way through the house, the few people I encounter wish me "Happy late birthday," and I plant a smile, thanking them. Some are my friends' family members, others are my friends. Honestly, it'd be better if they didn't keep wishing me happy birthdays. Birthdays are just ordinary days that let you know you're a year older and a year closer to death, and after last night, I would rather not remember anything.

"Hey, sweetie, how was your birthday?" My mother asks as she stares at the magazine in her hands. My dad stands before the heated skillet, flipping many pancakes to feed the pack. I sneakily walk behind my dad and snatch a golden pancake from the stack. Half the pancake is shoved in my mouth as my dad glances back at me.

The Alpha is my Mate ✏️ (REWRITING)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα